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all of you who have not yet checked this one should give it a try.

It has a couple of months of trial period and the cost after that is around 2 Euros (Only Paid once)

I was lucky and got into it when it was still free (not for the cost... but for the trouble of trnsfering it to them) , however, its a very clever real time management game worth a try... ;)

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It is indeed quite good. Yesturday my team teached Mouses's team a lesson when I beat him 1-2 within his home ground!!! :tup:

By the way my team is several DIVISIONS behind mouses's team but that did not matter!!! My instructions to the team were very clear!!! BEAT THE BLOODY MOUSE AND I DONT CARE WHAT YOU WILL DO THE REST OF THE YEAR!!!! :LOL:

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  • 6 months later...

:whistle: :whistle:

I have only one thing to say... Managerzone has a worst PARAGA than A division of the Greek league...

The pontikomoutsounos, got one of his mates to play me a friendly game last thursday ( 3 days prior to the game against the pontikes!!!)... Suddently his mate's team injures my ENTIRE left side!!! What a coincidence!!!!! :whistle:

So I had to play with my youth players from that side!!!


Kai oxi tipota allo alla ta kanate mesa kai sto Da Capo arena!!!! Tha sas thapsoume!!! :ph34r:

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  • 1 month later...

ESP has 2 major reasonf for fleeing the country this weekend!

PAO play AEK


MICE FC play Da Capo FC in Managerzone! :box:

I dont know what the outcome of the Derby will be, but the MZ game is going to be a long tragic issue for our friend...

We will crush your little Coffehouse :box: :box: :box:

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