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Everything posted by Klaous

  1. Πω ρε τι κλάματα θα έχουμε τώρα. Σήμερα 0, αύριο -3 και πάει το πρωτάθλημα. ΦΤΙΑΞΕ ΟΜΑΔΑ ΣΑΒΒΙΔΗ, ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙΣ ΧΑΦ
  2. 1.) We completely lost the midfield today, Asteras was clearly better. 2.) Our team should be ashamed that they are throwing every chance away to get the title. 3.) I will not even hope that AEK loses points today. If you are playing like that... then you simply do not deserve anything.
  3. Στον ΠΑΟΚ έχουν γίνει δύο φορές "μάρτυρες" των διαιτητικών του "αρετών" σε ντέρμπι με τον Ολυμπιακό στο... μοναστήρι του "Γ.Καραϊσκάκης". Η αρχή έγινε τη σεζόν 2014-15 και στο μεγάλο «διπλό» του ΠΑΟΚ στην έδρα του Ολυμπιακού με 2-1. Εκεί που ο Αρετόπουλος μάλλον βρέθηκε σε πολύ κακή ημέρα δεδομένου πως δεν... είδε ποτέ τη φωτοβολίδα που εκτοξεύτηκε και βρήκε τον Γλύκο στο ζέσταμα. Δεν είδε ποτέ την εισβολή μερίδας του κόσμου μετά τη λήξη του παιχνιδιού, αρνούμενοι να αποδεχθούν την ήττα τους από τον ΠΑΟΚ, την επίθεση ποδοσφαιριστή από οπαδούς, τα ιπτάμενα καρεκλάκια, το σχισμένο προστατευτικό δίχτυ. Μπορεί οι φωτογραφίες και τα βίντεο να αποτελούν αδιάψευστο μάρτυρα, αλλά τίποτα από αυτά δεν μεταφέρθηκε στο φύλλο αγώνα από τον Αρετόπουλο, γλιτώνοντας τον Ολυμπιακό από μεγάλες ποινές. Και μπορεί να μην είδε τα παραπάνω αλλά είδε 21-5 φάουλ υπέρ των γηπεδούχων και οφσάιντ στο πεντακάθαρο γκολ του Τζανδάρη στις καθυστερήσεις του αγώνα, πλήρως εναρμονισμένη απόφαση στην λάθος εκτίμηση του βοηθού διαιτητή, Γεωργαράκου. Μια κακή μέρα στη δουλειά... Τι κι αν... το δις εξαμαρτείν ουκ ανδρός σοφού, ο Αρετόπουλος βρέθηκε ξανά σε πολύ κακή ημέρα και πάλι σε ντέρμπι στο "Γ.Καραϊσκάκης" και σε παιχνίδι Ολυμπιακού - ΠΑΟΚ τον Οκτώβριο του 2016 και άφησε και πάλι την υπογραφή του με "εγκληματικά" λάθη κατά του Δικεφάλου. Πολλά μικρά και μεγάλα σε φάουλ και όχι μόνο, όπως η αγκωνιά του Ιντέγιε στον Βαρέλα που δεν τιμωρήθηκε ποτέ, η καρατιά του Μποτία στον Ροντρίγκες, το εξόφθαλμο οφσάιντ του Ιντέγε, σε ένα παιχνίδι που διακόπηκε προσωρινά τέσσερις φορές λόγω καπνογόνων και ο Αρετόπουλος αρκέστηκε σε... υποσχέσεις για οριστική διακοπή που δεν πήραν ποτέ σάρκα και οστά. http://www.sdna.gr/podosfairo/superleague/article/440229/istoria-mou-amartia-mou Remember the match Olympiakos - PAOK in 2016? Aretopoulos said to our team that if we don't get out and play, we will be punished with a -3 although there were already 4 interruptions because of heavy smoke. Or in 2014 when a flare hit Glykos and Aretopoulos had seen nothing. This guy is a relict from the old system and needs to be removed as soon as possible. He has helped his red friends too many times now.
  4. We had some calls against us, for example a red card in Larisa that was by all means not a red card, no penalties given against Giannina and Panaitolikos although you could clearly see how their players stopped the ball with their hands etc. Compared to the calls we got, one goal taken unrightfully away from Platanias, one disputable penalty against Atromitos and one offside goal against Giannina we are absolutely even. Additionally, if Savvidis had some actual influence over the referees, Aretopoulos would have shut his mouth yesterday. Actually, Aretopoulos would not be appointed as the referee against Olympiakos to begin with since everyone in Greece knows that he is an Olympiakos fan. Anyways, I do not think that Savvidis is trying to take over Greek football by the support of the referees as Olympiakos did. As you already said, compared to the last 20 years where Olympiakos had 70-30 of all calls, the situation is much more even now. What Savvidis actually does is loaning out a lot of average to good players like Warda or Lamprou who will not play against us, but make the life of our competitors harder, as for instance Warda did with AEK. Interesting fact: The referees in Greece are controlled by an "independent" FIFA representative from Portugal, however, according to Sportradar match fixing in the second division got worse since the FIFA took control. http://www.insideworldfootball.com/2017/09/28/greece-chaos-fifas-normalisation-committee-spectacularly-fails-clean-game/ Oh and since we are talking about the central referee commitee of Greece, it seems that they are absolutely not amused with how Aretopoulos handled the whole situation. Especially that he needed 4 hours to write the match report and that he changed 5 days after the match some of his statements regarding the match report without saying a word to his supervisors. I bet this guy will never be appointed again as a referee. At least I hope that his career has come to an end with all that happend. Η συμπληρωματική έκθεση του Αλέξανδρου Αρετόπουλου άλλαξε τα δεδομένα της υπόθεσης, τη στιγμή που ο ΠΑΟΚ βρισκόταν σε θέση ισχύος με βάση τα δεδομένα του φύλου αγώνα, καθώς αφενός δεν ανέφερε για ποιο λόγο δεν ξεκίνησε το ματς κι αφετέρου άφηνε εκτεθειμένο τον Ολυμπιακό για την παράνομη παρουσία του Γκαρσία. Ωστόσο μετά από συντονισμένες ενέργειες της αναπληρώτριας προέδρου της πειθαρχικής επιτροπής, Μαρίας Σκολαρίκη, ζητήθηκε η συμπληρωματική έκθεση του Τρικαλινού ρέφερι, που επί της ουσίας πρόκειται για κατάθεση. Η ενέργεια του διεθνούς διαιτητή είναι αλήθεια πως ξάφνιασε τα μέλη της ΚΕΔ, καθώς ναι μεν δεν παραβίασε κάποιον κανονισμό, αλλά από την άλλη τίθεται ηθικό ζήτημα για την εν λόγω πρωτοβουλία χωρίς να έχει ενημερώσει τους επικεφαλής της διαιτησίας, οι οποίοι εξέφραζαν τον προβληματισμό τους όταν ενημερώθηκαν. Η αλλαγή του Φύλλου Αγώνα είναι κάτι ασυνήθιστο σε διαιτητικό επίπεδο, για αυτό άλλωστε και χρειάστηκε 4 ώρες το βράδυ της Κυριακής στην Τούμπα προκειμένου να το συμπληρώσει επιμελώς ή... αμελώς κατά τη δική του κρίση όπως αποδείχθηκε από την συμπληρωματική που έκανε. Πέραν όλων των άλλων εξάλλου, οι επικεφαλής της ΚΕΔ σε μια πολύ κρίσιμη περίοδο του εμπιστεύτηκαν δύσκολα παιχνίδια τις τελευταίες μέρες, όπως ήταν το ΠΑΟΚ-Ολυμπιακός που δεν έμελλε να ξεκινήσει, αλλά και το ΑΕΚ-Πανιώνιος γι' αυτή την αγωνιστική. Κάπως έτσι έμελλε να γίνει πρόσωπο των ημερών ένας διαιτητής, το κυριότερο όμως όχι για τις διαιτητικές του αποφάσεις, αλλά για τις πρωτοβουλίες που έλαβε εκτός γηπέδου. Ωστόσο ο Αρετόπουλος όχι μόνο απέκρυψε το γεγονός της πρωτοφανούς τροποποίησης του φύλλου αγώνα, που δημιουργεί μάλιστα κι επικίνδυνο δεδικασμένο σε διαιτητικό επίπεδο, αλλά ορίστηκε και σε σημαντικό αγώνα πρωταθλήματος την Κυριακή.
  5. Hehe just wait. This judgement could lead the way to more incidents as we saw on Sunday, since you actually can get away with it by biting your lips. Just bribe some guys with a lot money to throw stuff at your coach, then play theatro and win the game. It's foolproof. Whoever came up with that law is a genius.
  6. @Bananas I have read the law so many times that I know it by heart now. Monetary fine, 2-3 ghost games and -3 points. Olympiakos will win 0:3 according to article 15, paragraph ε.). Oh and we will start with -2 next season.
  7. Savvidis has to make sure to secure this championship. He does not need to cry infront of cameras how unfair and injust this is. That's a waste of time without any other purpose than laikismo infront of the own fans. ΦΤΙΑΞΤΕ ΟΜΑΔΑ ΓΙΑ ΝΑ ΚΕΡΔΙΣΕΤΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΔΙΚΑΣΤΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΔΙΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΑ! And since we already have the team to pull off exactly this, we are going for the championship!
  8. Oh c'mon do you really think we will lose the championship over this? Let them have their little victory, we will destroy every one of our seven opponents and be the first club that wins a championship with 3 points deducted. Even better if they punish us, that will make the championship even more delightful.
  9. Yes, in the match report most of this is written. However, no clear mention if whether or not Garcia is able to play. Only that the doctor of the match reported his status to Aretopoulos. Aretopoulos avoids to write down what exactly the doctor told him. However, it is written in the match report that Garcia is not feeling well and Olympiakos is therefore leaving.
  10. Although it is too late now, I believe that Aretopoulos will never be in Toumpa again. Papas who screwed us two years ago in the Kypello semi-finals against Olympiakos was not selected as a referee anymore after what happened there. Savvidis needs to make sure that Aretopoulos will face the same fate.
  11. Believe me, we are going to win this championship, regardless of how many rocks or paper rolls they are trying to throw at us. Savvidis has to make sure that Toumpa is closed for the rest of the season though.
  12. Yeah you are right, I have not expected this outcome. But now that I have read the match report I am not 100% sure myself what is true and what is not since the match report is written very general and avoids to make any clear statement. Anyway, the match report claims that the list of the club officials was handed in within the "expected time". But Garcia was listed 15 minutes later. Now the question is what does this mean? Were the lists handed in right before the deadline? Was there any time left? Or was it too late? The match report does not say anything about this. If the game observer backs up that Garcia was listed in time than this argument is indeed void. Now of course the second question is whether or not Garcia was able to play. Nobody of us was at the court of course, but after the PAOK lawyer said that Garcia was for 15 minutes not seen and Olympiakos could have hurt him as well there the judge replied with a "I did not expect to hear this". Well, then what did you expect to hear? Shouldn't you rather ask Olympiakos what they were doing in this 15 minutes? Or did you expect nothing unusual there? Why does a judge even have expectations as an allegedly neutral person? Haven't you read the reports of the match or do you think it is business as usual that a team rejects for 15 minutes any medical attention and locks itself in into the changing rooms? Yep, nothing to see here and nothing to expect here, what a joke. Έλλας το μεγαλείο σου.
  13. I don't think so. Olympiakos intention on Sunday was to bring as much harm on our club as possible. Not to win the championship. They will also not get any points back, no club in Greece got its points back after such heavy charges. Now back to us, it is possible that we might win in second instance because of irregularities regarding the match procedure of the referee Aretopoulos. I do not believe that all is lost on Monday. The war at the courts will continue, I am sure about this. 7/7 wins and we do not have to worry about anything else. The championship will be ours.
  14. If I was the "fan" who did that, I would not leave my house anymore. He lives near the stadium btw, I think he is screwed for his life. Savvidis needs to get rid of the scum in our stands as soon as possible. Rumours are that the guy who did that, was also part of the σύνδεσμο that tried to go to Lamia to make some φασαρίες. Anyhow, with the -3 that is now the most likely punishment, the mythos that PAOK has the best supporters in Greece DIED on sunday. Our fans did absolutely NOTHING this season. We had 7 matches without fans and won all of them! Now we had one derby and we lose the chance for 3 points and additionally lose 3 points thanks to our "great" fans! And yes, I know it was just one guy in this case, but we have a lot of idiots in there, not just that one imbecile who threw the paper roll. Remember the guys that wanted to go to Lamia? For what? To do what? Because they wanted to make trouble and show their μαγκία, I say get rid of those fools who think they can sabotage our club because of their hooliganism. Savvidis? Do us a favor and close the Toumpa for the rest of the season. We do not deserve you and this great team you have invested your money in. You are better without us and I am glad that we will play against AEK without any fans since the only one who can stop us from getting the championship are ironically our own fans. We will win the championship regardless of what happens on Monday because we have the best team in Greece right now. Despite having also the most brainless fans in our stands.
  15. Here is the match report: Here is what Aretopoulos claimed today: However, according to article 15 paragraph 9 of the ΚΑΠ the match report is more important than any claims by the referee after that. http://www.sdna.gr/podosfairo/superleague/article/439819/paok-ksekatharos-o-kap-fa-einai-pano-apo-tis-sympliromatikes Very fishy. Aretopoulos might just have saved his beloved team but we will see about that.
  16. Yeah, the most important thing will be now to show that Aretopoulos has indeed done some mistakes in the game proceedings and match report. If PAE PAOK can prove that, then Aretopoulos as well as Olympiakos will be the ones in trouble, not PAOK. However, if Aretopoulos claims cannot be rejected then we will face a -3 point deduction, 2-3 ghost games and a monetary fine. He basically claims that he suspended the match because Garcia was injured by an object thrown from the stands and that Garcia was listed in time. Both claims are problematic for us but we shall not forget that this guy is trying to save his own skin too. We shall see. Even with a punishment, we will win the championship. 7/7 wins it will be.
  17. Yeah, of course he is trying to safe his own skin, but so do we! To hell with Aretopoulos, he did some tremendous mistakes! Btw, our lawyer is claiming that the judge accepted the estimation of the professor that someone who has an injury inside from an object thrown at him must have an injury on his outer skin too.
  18. As I am seeing it, PAOK has a good defensive line and some strong arguments. The only thing I do not like is that Aretopoulos tried for some reason to screw us by changing his statement now. I hope he loses his job, since he did NOT suspend the game in an orderly manner as he is claiming. There was not even an announcement on the megaphones and in the match report there was nothing he is saying now stated. However, the court we are in is not responsible for the jurisdiction of referees.
  19. Haha Garcia bit his lips according to the professor of medicine. EDIT: And he claims that Garcia cannot be injured from a paper roll only from the inside. There must be an injury on his skin too.
  20. In case that this judge is sleeping as well, PAOK should get this case to the CAS. I wonder if they think that UEFA regularities do not matter as well.
  21. The mistake does not matter haha. Good one. Our "mistake" does not matter too then. Welcome to Elladistan. It is clear that Aretopoulos was sleeping on that evening. However, the law is clear, officials only. You can punish Aretopoulos too for not proceeding UEFA regularities. Regardless, Garcia was not an Olympiakos official that night.
  22. Btw, it is interesting how many calls AEK gets. I remember the κλάψες that were coming not only from γαύροι but also from ΑΕΚτζήδες because we had an offside goal against Giannina and a clear penalty against Panaitolikos. Now what? Well, now those κλαψιάριδες of fans are silent. PAOK needs to shut the mouth of both γαύροι and ΑΕΚτζήδες for good. On the field, and at the courts. I do not want to hear any κλάψες any more. Not from them, and not from us. PAOK will win the championship and the cup. And if not, then we simply do not deserve it. If AEK wins with a μούφα penalty or an offside goal in Toumpa, μαγκιά τους. We have such a good team that we must win them even if they play with 12 players. And if the referee is favoring us, ΜΑΓΚΑ ΜΑΣ.
  23. Did Jimenez got hit by a paper roll and bit his lips a bit? If yes, then justice needs to be served. 0:3 for AEK, -9 point deduction for AEL and 7 ghost games, everything else would be injust. I demand justice!
  24. AEK will get a huge fapa in Toumpa, δεν είναι στα καλά τους και το ξέρουν.
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