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Posts posted by gyros

  1. http://www.keeptalkinggreece.com/2015/07/12/eurogroup-draft-euro-leaders-capitulate-to-schaeuble-threaten-greece-with-time-out/


     At this point it's a joke what the troika is trying to implement. Tsipras needs to make the biggest decision in modern Greek history and exit the euro. Adopt a currency right now and fire up the printing presses. It's not going to be easy but its going to be well worth it in the long run. Germany is trying to create a 4th reich and Greece needs to be the country that stops that plan. Greece needs to become Germany's bitch so we can can build trust again? HAHAHAHAHAHH biggest joke I've ever heard. If Greece values its independence and its people they would be smart to tell the troika to get lost and we will be the first country to leave the euro with pride because at least we know we didn't bend over and take it again from the troika. 


    I have to agree with you.  They might as well just bail right now.  This is too much.  Depositing $50 billion worth of collateral LOL.  Greece isn't even worth $50 Billion.

  2. I agree with France and Italy.  They are supporting Greece because they know they are next so they want to set a precedent when it comes time for their bailout.


    I can't say that the "Euro" is a failed project.  I mean its fairly young and their are a lot of bumps when you create a new currency with different countries.  Right now I would rather be in the Euro then on the outside.  You don't really see any weak countries in Europe saying we don't want to be in the Euro.


    The other problem with Greece is that nobody ever comes together.  Always fighting internally with everything.  Its ingrained in the culture.  During a time of crisis, we are still fighting like cats and dogs (We as in the elected government officials).  Too much hard ideology and nobody wants to compromise for the better of the country.  The government right now is in a mess and will have to be reshuffled or new elections must be held. Enough already. 

  3. Whats next?

    The meek handover of valuable Greek assets to the krauts

    Total humiliation and subjugation of the Greek people

    Thousands more illegals to come to Greece

    The Turks to turn the screw, with the Albanians and Skops to follow

    What a 6 months its been


    Turkey and Albania are loving this because if we have grexit, they know we will be extremely weak and vulnerable.  Its sad what all these "promises" have gotten us.  

  4. Wake up guys This was Tsipras and varoufakis is plan from the beginning they were both in on it, it's the good cop bad cop, it was always planned for varoufakis to go in there like a ranging bull and right after the referendum he would resign and Taipras would go in as a breath of fresh air with the referendum results on his side, it was all planned this way but it didn't work.


    These people pushed this way too far.  They didn't think the banks would shut down and now that they did, life sucks for Greece.  I do think they will agree to something tomorrow but it will be something that will be month to month and force Greece to carryout the reforms.  There is too much pressure from outside forces for Germany and Finland to run wild.  I can't really blame Finland and Germany either.  They have put so much money up and Greece just takes the money and does the opposite of what they promised to do.  Greeks are big time liars.

  5. Thanks Varoufakis.  You caused all this havoc and now you're on Greek Islands with your million dollar homes while Greeks are wondering if they can buy insulin and get money for food.  You don't talk to people that way.  Period.  Now we are going to get raped with some ridiculous agreement.  The economy has already gone down $7 billion this year because of all the chaos.


    Varoufakis is a big piece of s%$#!.  It pisses me off that he cussed everyone out and then ran away.  Typical spineless puke.  Now Tsipras with zero experience is trying to clean up the mess by begging for crumbs.

  6. Gyros are you smarter than the British MPs????? They told Greece to hold its head up....And exit the Euro currency!!! 30 years of PASOK and ND has set us back decades, ans as a result we will beg the Germans for cash every 3 years!!!


    Dude do you realize the British are snakes.  England are Anti-Greece.  Anything they suggest Greece do, run the other way.

  7. They should have been cooperative from the beginning but Greek people are used to all the politicians giving them everything and finally someone said NO and they don't like it anymore.  Tough s%$#!.  Instead of taking their medicine like they should have early and moved on, they whined and cried to no more austerity and to be in the Euro.  You can't have it both ways.  Now the EU has them by the balls today and they will make things a lot worse than if Greece was smart enough to sign something back in the winter.  Greeks learned some harsh lessons.


    First of all you need to be diplomatic.  Don't go cursing countries out calling them terrorists and nazis and then beg them for money but with no strings attached.


    Greece is a 3rd world country without the Euro.


    Don't bite the hand that feeds you.  The last 2 weeks was a wakeup call for everyone.  Even the idiot OXI voters who were dancing in the streets like morons.

  8. Greek debt crisis: Goldman Sachs could be sued for helping hide debts when it joined euro



    what a waste of time that referendum was, Greeks vote no but tough s%$#!, your vote counts for nothing because your government sold you out to the troika. 

    its also sold anything that can make money for Greece to creditors. Cheers Tsiparas, you should be shot. 

    At least you knew where you stood with other governments, this clown was elected to make a stand against the EU. 


    Now our debt will now increase, next bailout will come with more privatisation and brutal cuts.



    It was a waste of time but 95% of the people who voted NO wanted to stay in the Euro so nobody got sold out.  Only a few hardline 1918 Lenin communists wanted to leave to go to the drachma.  Why are you so bent up on privatization.  You obviously haven't dealt with doing anything with the Greek government in Greece and what a joke it is.  Let someone else run the regional airports.  Not some clowns who hire their whole family and do nothing but lose money.  If the last 2 weeks wasn't a wake up call to you and all the Drachma lovers, then God help you guys.  If old people waiting in lines to get 120 Euros and people going from pharmacy to pharmacy to get insulin and cancer drugs but can't find any didn't bother then the Drachma people are some twisted people.

  9. Get out of here with the Pro-drachma growth crap.  Seriously.  Enough with this nonsense about the Drachma.  My brain will explode if people continue to believe that we are better off going at it alone with Drachma's.  Please stop.  I don't want to read it again on here.

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  10. Yup thats what I think too.  This Syriza party needs to go.  Greek people need to wake up and stop electing lunatics.  Golden Dawn and Syriza shouldn't even get 5% of the vote.  I can't believe some of the Syriza idiots still are Pro-Drachma.  Get the hell out of here with that nonsense.  

  11. So all you anti austerity people know, this proposed deal is much much much much worse on the people. This time it is actually 23% VAT on everything and not 13% VAT like it was before. Keep that in mind before you start praising Tsipras.

    I heard this deal is a lot worse than the one in February.  


    Thankfully Obama and France stepped in or the Greek people would have committed suicide.

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  12. The worst thing is a lot of "No" voters are feeling buyers remorse right now.  They regret voting no because they are suffering.  No insulin in the pharmacies.  If you have diabetes, good luck.  Watching Greek TV, people are mentally drained right now.  Everyday its "we are close to a deal" then "we don't have a deal" then "we are going to the drachma" etc..  People are going crazy right now with all this uncertainty.  Hopefully that idiot Tsipras can make some kind of a deal and sign something so the banks can open and people can get their insulin and cancer medications and the country can move on.  What a nightmare the last 5 months.

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