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Posts posted by gyros

  1. 5 hours ago, 1789 said:

    The video raises more questions than answers, but it appears the man who was shot and killed by the officer may not have been mentally well and had suffered some sort of brain injury back in 2015.

    I'm not sure when he had the brain injury but he's had a violent past for shooting someone.  Also, was put in state prison for shooting at police in 2005.  He's been in arrested multiple times.  Clearly not a nice guy.

  2. The video of his wife was strange.  It's like she wanted him to get killed by the cops.  I mean if it was my loved one, I couldn't just stand there with a phone and keep on repeating "He better not die".  I would run to the vehicle and tell the person to put the gun down and make sure the police understood he had something wrong with him.  It's like the "hip hop" crowd wants their loved one to get killed so they can get money.

  3. I encourage you to take a walk through Africa, maybe a little stroll through Congo, Somalia, or whatever... it's the same everywhere


    Or the east side of Detroit or the south side of Chicago or East St Louis...  Dude is living in a fairy tale world.  His white Canadian ass would get beaten and robbed so fast.  Shame on a Canadian trying to lecture us on the pros of Black Live Matters. 

  4. what a coincidence, because so did i.


    except BLM doesn't see it that way. based on skin colour...blacks should get even more free stuff - including a big fat reparations check, a pass on crime and able to have their narratives (black slaves built the usa, whites are privileged, whites are inherently racist) accepted as norms. 


    They burned Milwaukee down last night because the police shot and killed an armed black man who had a lengthy criminal past.  This is such nonsense in this country.  Whoever is behind BLM needs to go to prison.

  5. I see no reason why I should tell you what country I live in, what does it matter?


    Your Nigerian friend is one person out of over six billion on this planet, I could care less for his narrow minded stereotypical views of his American "brothers", Nigeria has no shortage of problems in their own glass house, it is maybe best that he does not throw stones and instead be a part of some kind of solution instead of a crab in a bucket.


    Because you don't live in the US, so stop lecturing on us stuff you know nothing about.  I do.  I live in the US.  All these vlakias coming out of your mouth every second.  You're some sorry ass white person that would get beaten and robbed in these neighborhoods but you're too stupid to figure it out.  Its not just one, its multiple Africans I know despise American blacks.  The culture is garbage and you lick it up with your ghetto rap music you listen too.  You're the problem, not the solution because you're encouraging this behavior by listening to nonsense.

  6. Exactly.  Look at Chicago every weekend, its a war zone with 50 shootings a weekend and 99% are black on black.  It's all gangs and drugs.  Not drug users, but drug dealers.  I have a Nigerian friend tell me what a disgrace "American Blacks" are.  In Nigeria they value education and are generally family oriented where here there is a sense of pride to drop out of school, sell drugs, and have a baby so they can be a "man".  Africa may be a mess but an African has a totally different mentality than an American Black.  


    Tzatziki still doesn't want to say what country he lives in...

  7. Living next to a large black community does not make one an expert on black people. High school experiences are not representative of an entire social sub group. It's not about feeling guilty for being white, it's about acknowledging and addressing a serious and very real problem that millions of people live with daily for their whole lives. I know this will vex many here but the truth is some of you have no idea.  


    So what country is the Americas

  8. like i said earlier, they luv dat snowflake puzzy. i get it, it's a great psychological high to F*** and impregnate the women of the men who have oppressed you (read what eldridge cleaver published- black panther leader wrote about his serial rapes of white women) despite tzitziki telling us the panthers were peaceful and just wanted to attend yoga classes with white women...just make sure she also wants it and has jungle fever. otherwise, it's just more black on white crime - in this case, rape/sexual assault.


    the statistics are mind boggling. i'd print them, but i would be labeled a racist.


    I'll take a step further.  You go to a black neighborhood and I don't care if you're poor or feel the white man has you down but clean around your house.  Cut your grass.  Shovel your snow in the winter.  Basic stuff like that.  Go to a Mexican neighborhood again adjacent to the black neighborhood or an Arabic neighborhood that has all immigrants and its night and day difference.  Its like they still have that African jungle mentality in them.

  9. If you guys don't get it, you are just not aware, either by circumstances or by ignorance or by malice. I said it is revolting because I feel that aek66 is more than smart enough to know better, this issue for me is pretty black and white (pun intended), and it not an isolated case it's about any group of people, being treated less than fair, or being judged or stereotyped, or their lives mattering less, due to their skin colour, sexual orientation or identity, religious beliefs etc. 


    What country do you live in

  10. A mavro can carjack someone and run over 10 people and you will have clowns out there complaining that the police didn't have to kill them.  I even read a moron complaining that the police shouldn't have shot that muslim scum in Nice who ran everyone over and it was police brutality.  Amazing how stupid people are.

  11. Not sure why everyone is wasting their breath with "solutions".  You can't provide solutions to a nation that is corrupt to the bone.  This is what they want.  Just give them a coffee and a tyropita and to sit and complain for 6 hours about how everyone is screwing them.  Really sick of all the people bitching in Greece about how its the politicians fault but they were stealing money all these years and not paying taxes.  Greece is a useless country.  Summer vacation and thats about it.  If you do business in Greece, then you're an idiot.

  12. I mean, they already have the advantage of knowing what to expect and the techniques that will be used against them by interrogators and investigators. Why do they need even more concessions or beneficial treatment?

    What are you even talking about?  Should we waterboard them?

  13. I don't understand how you can steal a car, and then try to outrun the police, and not expect to get shot.  "He was unarmed".  Who cares, he stole a car and was speeding through the streets.  He could have easily killed someone crossing the street and he could have ran a police officer over.  What will end up happening is the police won't care anymore in Chicago and then just let everything go just like what is going on in Baltimore.   This is why Trump is in this race.... Crap like like Black Lives Matter.

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  14. Greece is in a terrible predicament and it does not seem there is any way out.

    People are living off the pensions and inheritances of the older generation. Once those are gone, what will there be? If they have not contributed into funds how will they retire?

    I hear the souvlaki joint owner calling:" Hussein, Tria souvlakia."

    At the super market I hear the owner ask Ahmed to bring a case of water from the back.

    Cafeterias are full. Tavernas full. Hotels full.

    Only Albanians do construction.

    Everyone is looking for a way to make a quick buck. Nobody willing to do what Hussein and Ahmed are willing to do.

    I saw it when I was there last month.  For a country with a so called 25% unemployment rate, I didn't see it.  Everyone was spending the day drinking coffee or walking around with no purpose.  The one thing about Greece is that all the semi trucks seemed to be filled with farm crops and the lack of trains to move products.  But when you produce nothing, you really don't need trains.  The Greek mentality is to blame the politicians for everything there but these same people never paid any taxes all these years but its someone else's fault.  Nothing will change the Greek way of thinking.  Its all about conning the system.

  15. Turkey is going to crash and burn soon.  When you start firing all the military, teachers, media etc... and they are capturing thousands and thousands of people, this won't end well.

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  16. Exactly.  The people that are coming over to Europe are mouth breathing neanderthals.  The doctors and engineers are still in Turkey.  I read an article that said that two thirds of the refugees in Germany are illiterate.  The companies with job openings are finding them useless.  But I don't have a problem if they all go to Germany.  Just as long as they don't pollute Greece.

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