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Posts posted by gyros

  1. It's pretty segregated in this country regarding blacks and whites.  Blacks mostly live in their own neighborhoods where whites live in their own.  I live in a city where its probably 98% white and it's rare to see a black person walking down the street.  Likewise, you can go into neighborhoods where its 98% black.  Not all black communities are war zones either.  We have some middle class communities that are probably 60% black and all is quiet and kept and safe. It's interesting dynamics here but I wouldn't really call them good dynamics.  It's a problem that isn't going away anytime soon.

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  2. Typical Jihadists from the religion of Pieces.  Turkey deserves this because they want to make deals with ISIS for oil and then sending all the terrorists to Greece so they can cause havoc in Europe.

  3. 13 hours ago, Koro said:

    christ what a mess. I guess we may find out more, but Brazil is one F***ed place. Can't control their own cops from killing Greek diplomats. Funny how this comes just after a Turkish cop shot a Russian diplomat, albeit for very different motives.

    And the moral of the story is don't marry Brazilian hookers who are 10 years younger than you (I don't know how old she was, but she looks a lot younger than him at 59).

    It's Brazil and he's a cop so I'm assuming he will be released in 2 years but then again the same result would happen in Greece.  Not sure if Brazil gives their inmates weekends to go home though.

  4. Russia wanted to get involved in the Middle East as a self proclaimed "super power" and now they have to deal with all the side crap that goes with it.  Turkey is in a great situation that the US needs them and Russia needs them so they can do as they please with no consequences.

  5. Now I just heard the CEO of Exxon is going to be the Secretary of State.  I have to hand it to the Republicans, they find the hazo Amerikani and throw social issues at them (Mexicans, illegal immigration, muslims) and hook, line, and sinker they fall for it and the elite agenda is about to take place again.  Aek66, all year you were a Trump supporter and crying about the Mexicans and you fell for it hard.  Congrats man.  When will you guys learn that its all about money.

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  6. The true idiots are the Trump voters who have shitty jobs and feel Trump relates to them.  Yes, I've run into idiots who make $9 hour who are Republican.  They will get even more destroyed the next 4 years.  Just imagine, $9 hour and these same dopes were getting subsidized Obama care on top of this and now they will have nothing.  These idiots were hearing "Drain the swamp" and Trump was flying back home on personal jet in Manhattan and these morons swallowed all the bullshit.

    Anyone that votes for a candidate for social topics (BLM, abortion, gay rights) is a major Vlaka.  The next 4 years will be a major lesson to the white idiots.  I want Trump and the Republicans to destroy these losers.  No health care, $9 hour, but you get to keep the red hat.

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  7. The comedy that will ensue for all the idiot Trump voters the next 4 years will be off the charts.  I'm loading up on Finance and Defense stocks so I can profit off the idiots who got conned into voting for him.  The labor secretary is a guy who things wages are too high, the EPA person thinks climate control is a hoax, and then you got the Goldman Sachs people who are the swamp creators.  

    The idiot white voter who "Hates dem' foreigners" and "Make America Great Again".  The joke was on you by the master bullshitter himself, Donald Trump.  My favorite part is the Trump voters (Who I want to mention again are idiots) are defending Goldman Sachs now as a great American company and the people appointed from them are taking a pay cut and doing this as a patriotic way to help the country HAHAHA.  Stupid Stupid Stupid.

  8. 10 hours ago, aek66 said:

    of course the economy is the most important issue, election after election. illegal immigration wasn't a huge issue in 1932 or 1956 or 1976. i never said immigration and social issues are the main issues, i said those are the issues that the democrats are holding the wrong end of the stick of and propelled trump into office. one can also tie illegal immigration to the economy/wages.

    i live in the midwest and i didn't know that the kkk was such a huge force in these parts in these times. this is what the white lesbian married to her black wife in nyc says to deflect any critical thinking/review of why her beloved candidate lost.

    people in the midwest don't wear white hoods.

    in wisconsin - a traditional liberal, early on a very progressive state...only 54% of hillary voters said illegals should become citizens, while 78% of trump voters said illegals should be deported to the country they came from. 

    so everyone in wisconsin wears a white hood and is a card carrying member of the kkk?


    10 hours ago, aek66 said:

    the biggest disparity (those who voted for trump over hillary) was the immigration issue.


    On 11/26/2016 at 11:32 AM, aek66 said:

    i believe the former democratic voters (2008 & 2012) for obama, delivered the presidency to trump and voted for trump due to illegals and other social issues.

    Only 13% of all the voters said immigration was an issue and I bet those were either KKK members or people who live on the southern border.  You can read statistics until your face turns blue but if Trump doesn't follow up with his jobs plan, he will be chased out in 4 years.  The two biggest things were Jobs and Health Care.  That's it.  Not going to argue anymore with your obsession over immigration and Mexicans.

  9. 21 hours ago, aek66 said:

    i disagree. as if hillary proposed cutting jobs and deconstructing america?

    i believe the former democratic voters (2008 & 2012) for obama, delivered the presidency to trump and voted for trump due to illegals and other social issues.

    new york times exit poll states that 'The Most Important Issue' where trump hammered hillary was over immigration. the disparity between trump voters to hillary voters was 64% x 32%. obviously, this was the most important factor and defining social issue between the two candidates. trump won and hillary lost, clearly this was/is a vital issue to those who voted for trump.

    as far as 'Direction of the Country', trumps voters rang in at 69% as 'seriously off track'.





    For more than half of voters (52 percent), the economy is the most important issue facing the country. Far fewer cite terrorism (18 percent), foreign policy (13 percent) and immigration (13 percent).

    Like I said, immigration and social issues are loser issues unless you're KKK, an anti-abortion kook, or just a plain gun nut, most people want to have money and be able to get ahead in life.  Deporting Jose and his family won't help me one bit.  

    Trump characterized Hillary as establishment and pro Nafta where Trump came into the midwest and started to talk about the empty factories and all the jobs lost and how China and Mexico are laughing at us and taking our jobs away.  There is not an immigration issue in the midwest unless you wear a white hood.  The people were told we would get jobs back and he needs to deliver or they won't come out in 2020 for him.  We better start "winning" in the next 4 years.

  10. I don't think he will be ok if he just deports illegals.  The people that voted for him want factories back, to rip up NAFTA, to rebuild America etc...  Doubling down on illegals is a losers strategy and it doesn't help Jim-Bob who works at Walmart for $9.50 hour.  Trump told him that we will win so much, we will be sick of winning.  Deporting illegals only gives a boner to the KKK.  The rest of America cares about jobs and health care.

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  11. Greece can't do anything and Turkey knows it.  Europe is more worried about not offending Mohammad and Abdul and providing refugees with halal beef.  The Muslims continue to play Europe for what they are.  A bunch of spineless pansies.

  12. 8 hours ago, Tzatziki said:


    No what makes you racist is the content contained within the numerous posts about black people you have shared.

    Like others have said.  You don't even live in the US.  You have no clue except for youtube videos and rap music.  When you move down here, then you can live it.

  13. 9 hours ago, 1789 said:

    On another note, in Greece there were riots in response to the death of 15-year-old boy killed by police back in 2008, as reported here by the Guardian:

    More like generation Mao. In any case, that sounds more or less like what is happening in the US every so often. In the US the rate of unemployment among blacks is over 50% overall and its even higher among black youths (over 70%). If more blacks were under higher rates of employment and the economy was doing a lot better, would see these kinds of protests?

    Bullshit.  That is a total lie

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