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Everything posted by gyros

  1. It sounds like a referendum for July 5th. This government is a clown show. Why didn't they just have one in April and be done with it. It shows how worthless these communist scumbags are. The negotiations on their part were a complete failure and now they are backed into a corner. All this wasting time and "We are close to coming to an agreement" nonsense since March tanked the economy even more. Let the Greek people vote on July 5th. Do they want to export cotton and fish and live on 300 euros a month or keep the Euro and make 600 Euros a month.
  2. This was a good article in the NY Times on how Greece isn't going to be the next Argentina http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/26/business/an-echo-of-argentina-in-greek-debt-crisis.html?_r=0
  3. So does anyone really feel that "Before the markets open on Monday" is a deadline. I say no. This will go to midnight of June 30th.
  4. Greece is not capable of implementing reforms and sticking to them. I don't get why you think Greece can just go back to the drachma and all of a sudden turn it around after 5-10 years when Greek mentality refuses to even reform unlimited free college.
  5. The new agreement (Well nothing is official yet) has more taxes for business so it will just get worse. The solution is jobs, not lifetime free education.
  6. It sounds positive tonight but until something is officially signed, I wouldn't get too excited.
  7. Everyone is talking about a deadline Monday but I bet nothing happens and the deadline is extended AGAIN.
  8. Some people just don't get it. Greece has to borrow money to survive. Not because of the banks, but because they spend way more money than they bring in. Again, some people can't get their fingers wrapped around the fact that Greeks have been major tax evaders for decades, not since the start of the Euro. I remember being there in 2005 and the arrogance of Greeks and they were all living the life. Unfortunately, that life was a mirage on borrowed funds.
  9. The misinformation by the leftists who may either be doing it intentionally or are not educated. Using the banks as the bogeyman is completely laughable because if the banks didn't loan money to Greece, then the country would have defaulted 10 years ago. The money from the banks was given to Greece to sustain the unsustainable Greek lifestyle of early retirements, no taxes, free health care etc... It all came crashing down when the bills were due. Now its the banks fault. But hey, Syriza and the Unions need an enemy and they aren't going to admit its themselves so point the finger at the banks.
  10. When this government gets chased out of office, one thing that needs to be done is to clean out the universities so they can go back to education and not a breeding ground for left wing pony tailed idiots.
  11. Tsipras is lecturing the European Union with Putin on his side right now. This is absolutely disgusting. People are literally dying in hospitals right now due to no supplies and he's telling Europe what to do. I've never seen a political party so stupid in my life. I have to say if the majority of Greece supports this clown or even 10%, they deserve everything they get. What a delusional person.
  12. The country is falling apart but Comrade Tsipras was in Russia. How anyone can defend this clown is beyond me. The banks are about to shut down and he's in Russia. Dude, Greece is a western country, get the hell out of Russia and get a deal done. Europe needs to stop loaning the banks money. Squeeze them even more. Tsipiras and the "Finance Minister Rock Star" need to be hung in a public square for what they are doing to the Greek citizens. Great to see people without ponytails and black hoods in Syntagma for a change.
  13. The people that make up this government are so brain dead. A month back I remember someone from Syriza being interviewed on Greek tv saying that Europe could just print them money and give it to them. Like all they needed was a printer and a computer to solve this. The sad thing is that this person was serious too.
  14. I'm not sure if any of you guys do twitter but @GreekAnalyst is pretty good. So the negotiations lasted a whole 45 mins today before it was deemed that the sides were too far apart. One thing I will say is that Europe needs to throw a drop dead date. These fake deadlines are ridiculous. Just say a decision needs to be made by this date or else an exit will occur. Nobody is taking anyone serious now.
  15. LOL@Losing to the Faroe Islands. I'm glad I wasn't at home to see this debacle today.
  16. So the meeting next week in Russia which was I saw reported on Greek TV was already prescheduled then? I wonder why the Greek media didn't say anything about this. Hmm....
  17. Hospitals are running out of sheets, painkillers, and other types of supplies yet the Greek government is busy releasing "technical" papers blaming everyone else besides themselves for the problem. This government came in here with no plan and you can tell we are down to the end now and they still have no plan. One minute they say a deal is close, the next minute they are trying to scare Europe by calling Russia, then the next minute they are asking for nazi reparations. What an amateur crew. The European leaders have to wonder where did these people come from and how is it possible to elect a group of idiots like these.
  18. I'm surprised with the patience of Europe on this knowing who they are negotiating with.
  19. Well put Reaper. Its not ripping off tourists. Its Greeks ripping off each other and they take great pride in it.
  20. See you want to attack the victim and still can't see the problem. I have endless amounts of stories in Greece from when they would let Greeks in free at the Acropolis and charge foreign people, to the taxi drivers that will drive you in a loop if you don't know where you're going, to the stores in Greece that don't display prices and make stuff up when you pay depending on if you're a tourist. For the record, I did go to the village and spent a few weeks a couple years back. You just can't see in front of your eyes how screwed up Greek society is. The Greeks even tell you in Greece that we deserve this. But hey, you ignored the petty gripes for years and the petty gripes have turned into a death spiral. Enjoy defending theft and corruption. Sorry, I wasn't brought up to defend that stuff. I have morals.
  21. Js1000... You don't get it. Here is a personal example of how corrupt the country is. I have a relative who is a farmer. He sells his crop to a middleman and they in turn pay him. Well they paid him a partial amount and said they would pay him the rest later in the season. Well he got ripped off thousands of Euros and there is no recourse. He's not the only farmer. I have relatives who work and don't get paid for months and when they do get paid, they only get 50% they are due. Its bullshit like this that isn't tolerated in a civilized country. That is why I cringe when people are talking about Bulgaria, Croatia, and who knows what other country. For all the s%$#! people want to say about the EU, at least they brought structure and laws. But Greeks don't want that. They want to be ripped off by everyone from the taxi driver, to the people running the Acropolis, etc... When I was a kid and went to my mother's village which sucked by the way. It was in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, there was a little store there that I would go with my little sister and buy a coke or an ice cream, whatever. The owner of the store saw that we were Americans and ripped us off. Unbelievable. They ripped off a 13 year and his 9 year old sister at the time. Stuff like this doesn't happen in civilized countries. That is the Greek mentality. To pillage and steal from anyone.
  22. That is true too. Greeks are #1 at telling every company to get lost. The government will feed them. I'm ashamed that a country like Portugal can pull through and we have this ugly mentality.
  23. You also don't seem to have a problem with all the Greek Farm subsidies that are stolen by the "working" people who claimed they owned a bunch of livestock or farmed land which they didn't. Or the "working" people who worked at offices that provided drivers licenses to people who made 200k a year by taking bribes. So no matter what, if you come up with 600 euros, no matter how bad your driving skills are, you get a drivers license. I have questions for you... Is it ok to report you own 300 sheep when you only own 50 and collect thousands of EU subsidies? Is it ok to say that you have x amount of acres of a certain crop when in fact you don't even have 1 acre and collect thousands of EU subsidies? Is it ok to pay a $600 or more bribe to get a drivers license when you can't pass the driving test? Frankly I don't think its ok. You can talk about banks loaning Greece money and thats fine but you can't just ignore all the corruption from the people and the mentality of pillaging the government. Everyone is robbing the government. From the elites to the farmers.
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