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Geovanni in Greece again


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I was surprised when i read that he signed with Ethnikos

It  will be strange to see him playing against us?

What do you think?

Will the fans receive im with applouse or or whissles?

Would be well stupid to whistle him just because he plays for another team. I think he's a hero after all the years playing well for OLY :tup:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Protathlitis7

F*** Giovanni and F*** Ethnikos

Anyone who hasnt lost alot of respect for giovanni should seriously be more realistic. i was glad when he left and now im even glader

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Guest Protathlitis7

if you go back and read my posts when he was still at osfp i wanted him out. he had lost all interest by the end and was playing like a dog aside from a bit of magic every 6 months.

not only did he not give his all for the shirt but he went to our rivals (And yes for those of you who dont know they are hated rivals. they are the vaseloi tou peiraia) and he said he wanted to go home and he would never play for any other team in Greece.

he should be rememeberd as someone who the fans loved for his occassional magic but also someone with alot of flaws and certainly not in thee Djordjevic. Karembeu, Rivaldo and Giannakopoulos category

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone has the link to the clip where Gio is weeping in an intervio , while the TV men try to comfort him and give him water??

I downlowded it and have it on my computer but I do not remember from where

As i would like to present it in another place i need the link

Thank you

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