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Phantis Soccer Prediction Game (2006-07)


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The Phantis Soccer Prediction game is ready for the new season (2006-2007).

You can predict scores for the Super league Hellas 2007, B' Division, Greek Cup, Champions League, UEFA Cup, and National Team games.

The first games in the prediction game have been posted. Don't forget to enter your predicions. The first games are close (August 8), so act quickly.

You can access the game page by clicking on The Game button at the top of the page, or you can get there through this link:

Phantis Soccer Prediction Game

Good Luck

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The prediction game was just updated with a sh--load of games. It now includes the complete CL group stage games as well as UEFA Cup games (Round 2), Greek Cup games (Round), and B' Division games (Round 1).

Don't forget to place your predictions.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi this to the person that takes care of the game. First of let me say that thanks you are doing a great job. I have 1 complain I missed the Paok cup game because it was not up early in the week when I made my picks. I was not the only one that missed playing that game. Can you please put all the games on for a certain date at the same time. This also happened the first games for the cup very few of us knew about it. Anyways enough said have a Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year. and thanks again for the work you do on this.

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Sorry about that Argonut. There was a mix up with the PAOK game, and I had to re-enter it 2 days ago. I apologize.

Usualy I try to enter the games as early as possible, but sometimes due to time constrains on my part that's not always possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Just a note that the Round 32 of the B' Division games have been entered. the games take place on Wednesday May 23rd. Make sure you enter your predictions.

Also don't forget the Champions League final.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last round of the B Division games have been entered.

Don't forget to also enter your predicitons for the last natiuonal team games on June 2nd and 6th, after which the winner of the 2006-07 Phantis Prediction Game will be announced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Final standings of the Phantis Prediction game for the 2006-2007 season:



1. evalagoal - 741 points

2. Kanadezos - 728

3. TAKIS - 706

4. Argonut - 695

5. Ziaka - 680

6. asterakias - 658

7. Manasek - 631


9. MOOMER - 605

10. vasilis - 594

11. Malvern - 480

12. antoniskalymnos - 364

13. amaliada - 358

14. olympiakosboy - 161

15. lazarus - 131

16. skathari - 46

17. aekfan16 - 43

18. kostakis101 - 21

19. olympiakosthyra7 - 19

20. reject180 - 15

21. levendi 2000 - 15

22. vmanic - 12

23. Iliana - 8

24. elias - 8

25. ellinopoula - 6

26. kouvardas - 5

27. dera - 5

28. GS1905 - 5

29. stamatiou2006 - 4

30. baba - 4

31. pano - 3

32. manusema - 1

33. pontian_eagles - 1

34. crazy - 1

35. ronken

36. bagrationi - 1

37. italogreco - 1

38. Zoran - 0


1. Kanadezos - 206

2. Argonut - 196

3. TAKIS - 185

4. evalagoal - 176 points

5. Manasek - 167

6. Ziaka - 163

7. asterakias - 163


9. vasilis - 161

10. Malvern - 156

11. MOOMER - 160

12. antoniskalymnos - 95

13. amaliada - 85

14. olympiakosboy - 34

15. lazarus - 24

16. kostakis101 - 20

17. olympiakosthyra7 - 11

18. levendi 2000 - 8

20. kouvardas - 5

21. stamatiou2006 - 4

22. GS1905 - 5

23. Iliana - 8

24. aekfan16 - 43

25. crazy - 1

26. ronken - 1


1. evalagoal - 232

2. TAKIS - 227

3. Kanadezos - 220

4. Manasek - 215

5. Ziaka - 206

6. asterakias - 198

7. Argonut - 197


9. vasilis - 166

10. MOOMER - 149

11. Malvern - 112

12. antoniskalymnos - 92

13. AMALIADA - 86

14. lazarus - 17

15. olympiakosboy - 17

16. olympiakosthyra7 - 6


1. Ziaka - 59

2. Manasek - 53

3. asterakias - 49

4. evalagoal - 46

5. MOOMER - 45

6. Argonut - 44


8. Kanadezos - 42

9. TAKIS - 38

10. antoniskalymnos - 37

11. Malvern - 35

12. vasilis - 32

13. lazarus - 21

14. AMALIADA - 21

15. skathari - 15

16. olympiakosboy - 12

17. olympiakosthyra7 - 1


1. asterakias - 109

2. evalagoal - 109

3. Kanadezos - 105

4. TAKIS - 100

5. Argonut - 98

6. Ziaka - 93

7. vasilis - 92

8. MOOMER - 91

9. Malvern - 82

10. Manasek - 82


12. antoniskalymnos - 79

13. amaliada - 55

14. olympiakosboy - 42

15. lazarus - 18

16. skathari - 17

17. baba - 4

18. dera - 4

19. olympiakosthyra7 - 1

20. GS1905 - 1

21. kostakis101 - 1

22. bagrationi - 1


1. evalagoal - 124

2. Ziaka - 110

3. Argonut - 108

4. Kanadezos - 107

5. TAKIS - 106

6. MOOMER - 106


8. asterakias - 92

9. vasilis - 84

10. amaliada - 74

11. Manasek - 68

12. Malvern - 64

13. antoniskalymnos - 79

14. olympiakosboy - 42

15. lazarus - 18

16. Iliana - 8

17. manusema - 1

18. Zoran - 0


1. MOOMER - 645

2. vasilis - 59


4. evalagoal - 54

5. Argonut - 52

6. TAKIS - 50

7. Ziaka - 49

8. Kanadezos - 48

9. asterakias - 47

10. Manasek - 46

11. aekfan16 - 42

12. lazarus - 40

13. amaliada - 37

14. Malvern - 31

15. antoniskalymnos - 16

16. reject180 - 15

17. vmanic - 12

18. olympiakosboy - 12

19. skathari - 8

20. elias - 8

21. levendi 2000 - 7

22. ellinopoula - 6

23. pano - 3

24. pontian_eagles - 1

25. dera - 1

26. italogreco - 1

27. olympiakosthyra7 - 1

Congratulations to evalagoal for winning this season's competition.

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