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Financial problems - again!


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Reports by various media in and out of Thessaloniki are claiming that PAE PAOK is facing financial problems

Rumors are that All the players, except four players, have not been paid for the past 4 months. Supposedly this is one reason that Akyel left the team. few days ago the 3 PAOK captains held a meeting with Giannis Goumenos demanding answers on when the players will be played. Goumenos promised to make some payments on Friday. The threee captains threatened Goumenos that they will step down as team captains if there is no resolution.

Just for the record, the four players that have been paid in full are Udese, Feutchine, Zagorakis and Salpiggidis.

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Last night Giannis Goumenos during a dinner in Bukurest announced that PAOK' revenue from UEFA Cup was not as much as expected, and that PAE PAOK is 172,00 Euro behind in their budget predictions.

Also during the dinner Goumenos announced that PAOK will go after Amsmanidis from Karlsruhe as well as a defenseman to replace Akyel. he also said that 4 to 5 people will be leaving the team.

On one hand he claims that the team does not have money, and on the other he is going to go out and spend big money on Masmanidis.

Seems to me Goumenos wants to have it both ways.

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Same old bullsh*t different year...

Hopefully we'll have a win against AEK this weekend to cheer things up a bit at PAOK.

If I was the team captains I would threaten not to play, but what exactly would ''stepping down as team captains" accomplish? Does it mean that they wouldn't lead the team anymore??

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Mitso we are talking about Greek soccer here. The same people that let AEK and Aris wipe out their debts without any repercussions. And you're supposed to trust them to clean the game with their Super League proposal.

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