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The good thing is that Wooter as a right ex-treme did pretty ###### good.

Plus Gekas scored again.

bullshit! the guy sucks!!! he made 2 good passes the whole game! the rest was worthless! he has no quickness whatsoever esp for a black man! Werent you the one basing him the other week tremendously even?

i was at the game last night and beleive me i wasnt the only one thinking that he sucked...Conceicao is also far from a fan favourite....

PAO last night were lousy. They did much better second half and responded well, but first half they couldnt even make 3 passes and were getting physically dominated by Kallithea, but they are a strong team but second half they just cant keep it together...2 nice goals by them.

2nd half things got better

Seric was average

Kotsios and Gkoumas were solid

Galinovic was ok

Darlas was overall good.....makes some great runs...

Tziolis- great young player! plays smart, good defense, works hard, smart passes on the ground.

Wooter is too damn slow, he had a goal (extremely easy one it would have stuck out more if he didnt score it) and an assist on the corner to kotsios....but every thing else the guy wont cut it for a team in the champions league and vs big opponents.....no way in hell

Conceicao ###### blows. He played significantly better the last 30 mins.....but he was such a waste of time and money.

Vyntra played much better defensively, but wasted the entire first half with pure garbage passes, im glad he didnt suck for a change......

Bidis was crap

Gkekas was back to himself....found chances, didnt get them all but got enough. Good to have him back

Mantzios-nothing special

Eki- bad penalty......rest of the game was decent.

Torghelle was AWESOME. Once he hits his first and loses the nervousness he will be a special player for us...He was tearing apart Kallithea, missed a marvelous chance he made for himself (u could tell he got nervous because he toed it just over) but his main fault is that he was being too unselfish.....instead of taking a blast he could have had from inside he passed it over to Wooter (and of course nothing happens) etc.....Torghelle is a great replacement for konstantin-who?

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Regarding the penalty, I should hope that no one tries to dispute it because he would be ABALLOS! The penalty was clear, Georgiev (however you spell) crashed Goumas from behind (there was hard contact), although I agree that Goumas overeacted a bit. As for Lazanas, he was brought down by Goumas, there is no doubt about it, but the pulling started outside the area, so if the foul was given it wouldn't be a penalty but a free kick just outside the area. Anyway we missed the penaly, we were not benefited from this so the two incidences cancel out!

I saw Woouter's goal. Re paidia pali kala pou mphke. Me to zori dhladh. tou estrwse o Gekas idanikh mpallia, thn phre tet-a-tet, TOY EFYGE TO CONTROL, kai paraligo na thn piasei o termatofulakas ths Kallitheas!!!!! To exoume pei kai to ksanaleme, to paidi einai douleutaras, exei filotimo, alla DEN MPOREI gia ton Panathinaiko, pws na to kanoume!

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Drakos and Dimtiris !!!

Who is better as a right ex-treme ?

Wooter, Haralabidis or Nilsson (was bought the last moment this Summer because Haralabidis sucked)

I didn't see the game but:

Up to know Wooter hasn't been used as a right ex-treme. He played one game in his natrual possition and he scored and had one assist. (plus the frendly vs Apoel and had one assist)

He played as a sub over Haralabidi and helped us turn around a game that we were loosing 2-0.

Nilsson doesn't seem ready as yet.

Haralabidis is not Pao caliber. Actually I would put Haralabidi in a game only when Gonzales is absent. Like with Wisla.

Wooter for now is the best choice in that possition from the three as far as I am concerned.

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Drakos and Dimtiris !!!

Who is better as a right ex-treme ?

Wooter, Haralabidis or Nilsson (was bought the last moment this Summer because Haralabidis sucked)

I didn't see the game but:

Up to know Wooter hasn't been used as a right ex-treme. He played one game in his natrual possition and he scored and had one assist. (plus the frendly vs Apoel and had one assist)

He played as a sub over Haralabidi and helped us turn around a game that we were loosing 2-0.

Nilsson doesn't seem ready as yet.

Haralabidis is not Pao caliber. Actually I would put Haralabidi in a game only when Gonzales is absent. Like with Wisla.

Wooter for now is the best choice in that possition from the three as far as I am concerned.

i agree with you...

Bidis does suck :P

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Drakos and Dimtiris !!!

Who is better as a right ex-treme ?

Wooter, Haralabidis or Nilsson (was bought the last moment this Summer because Haralabidis sucked)

I didn't see the game but:

Up to know Wooter hasn't been used as a right ex-treme. He played one game in his natrual possition and he scored and had one assist. (plus the frendly vs Apoel and had one assist)

He played as a sub over Haralabidi and helped us turn around a game that we were loosing 2-0.

Nilsson doesn't seem ready as yet.

Haralabidis is not Pao caliber. Actually I would put Haralabidi in a game only when Gonzales is absent. Like with Wisla.

Wooter for now is the best choice in that possition from the three as far as I am concerned.


as a right wing......best player is probably Nilsson in terms of experience and skill. Out of performances it would be Charalambidis.

'extreme' is one word. not ex-treme.

and Wooter on any damn wing is way too slow!!! He was a reason we could break into Udinese, because he was way slower than the defense, and when he did get some space to shoot he blew it.......not blaming him for not scoring but it was obvious that game with losers like Wooter and Bidis we arent gonna do much damage in attack vs strong teams...

just because he scored a goal against kallithea doesnt mean he played well. He had about 5 seconds all alone with the goalkeeper from close range......if he didnt finish it it would have been a complete disgrace and people saying how much he blows. He had an assist from a corner which wasnt bad. Other than that his shooting wasnt much better than mine (im not that bad, but i dont play for PAO) He was throwing out crap passes and trying to do tricks he wasnt capable of, if we are playing a real opponent like Barcelona------forget it. Him and Conceicao are pure crap.

We dont need slow wingers. Wooter has what you call in the USA "square wheels".

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Dimitri I agree that Nilsson should be used in easy games in order to pick up his game. But I said that Wooter is better fitted at the moment. Maybe we could make sure to win with 2 goals and then use Nilsson as a sub.

Drakos I also agree that both Wooter and Haralabidis were bad moves. Wan't I the one during the Summer that I said I hate them both.

I also belive that Nilsson might just turn out to be a good player, but in times like this when we are playing in the Greek league 7 points behind Osfp, I wouldn't care to give playtime to anyone that doen't proove it in practice or in previus games.

Or can you forget how awful did Nilsson play against Werder.

That is al I am taliking about. No real argument as far as I am concerned. I was just freaking waiting and wait for the first time Wooter would score and guess what he did it playing n his possition.

Why can't Wooter pick up his game as we all hope Nilsson eventually will ...

The bottom line is that we nned to find some stability in this team and I think that my lineup would look like this for next game:







As soon as we are winning 2-0... if we are then my 3 subs will be a random choice of these:



Gonzales--Haralabidis/ Theodoridis


Manzios-- Gekas/ Olisadebe

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