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According to an article at Satleo, ERT SAT will be undergoing a major overhaul come this fall. The apodimos ellinismos organization (which is supposed to represent Greeks living abroad and their needs) set up some kind of committee to study ERT SAT and make recommendations about how it should serve the needs of Greek living outside of Greece. It presented its results recently and based on what the article says, that the person in charge of ERT SAT (Mr. Antonaros) has pledged to make major changes.

Here are the key points that are outlined in the article:

-ERT SAT will now be FREE-TO-AIR, yes FREE! (wonder what this means for sports programming)

-Mr. Andonaros has ask the higher-ups in the company (ERT) for permission for ERT SAT to be able to carry sports events (it mentions basketball, not sure about soccer)

-ERT SAT may be renamed ERT4, for consistency with the rest of the ERT channels

-new website: www.ertsat.com (not up yet)

-it will broadcast in 3 zones: USA, Europe & Australia, each with their own program broadcast in the appropriate time (local time for each zone).

- as a result of all the complaints received, ERT will be opening three new regional offices, one in USA, one in Germany and one in Australia.

-more local content, to serve the Greeks in each of the 3 zones and local advertising as well (ANT and Mega already do this)

-new show being developed that will be designed to serve local communities (like Horizons on Mega)

-Voice of Greece will be delivered on the same signal as ERT SAT.

-More transponders will be added to help strengthen the signal.

The following are the recommendations that the Apodimos Ellinismos committee made:

1- A better programme that includes co-operation with Italian, Turkish & German broadcasters (not sure what this means exactly)

2- Get rid of the following programs (frappedakia & H lygeri)

3- New shows in English to help people learn Greek

4- More entertainment shows including new shows produced by ERT SAT

5- Get rid of all monthly fees now being charged for ERT SAT

6- New relationship between ERT SAT and the General secretary of the Apodimos Ellinismos

7- New website of its own for ERT SAT, that will be available in several different languages

8- Interaction with the public and greater awareness of their wants/ needs (basically listen to want people have to say and answer their questions/concerns)

9- Improve the channel so that more people will tune in (I guess some people have cancelled their subscription to ERT SAT)

10- add local content including local newscasts

11- Take steps to communicate or allow the omogenia to communicate with ERT SAT and be heard

12- Increase the number of employees that work at ERT SAT

13- Increase the budget for ERT SAT (this is directed at ERT)

14- a show having to do with the Apodimos Ellinismos Organization

The changes will be complete by the end of the year but some things will be in place come October (which is when the new TV season starts in Greece)

I like the recommendations that have been made, I think this is way overdue and its about time they actually do something with this channel. It seems that it has been abandoned and ERT hasn't paid much attention to it. That is why their is no consistency in the programming schedule and why there is no one or no way people can communicate with ERT. Time to add some sort of professionalism to ERT SAT, this is the public broadcaster. It should be by the people, for the people. Let's hope things change for the better and that these changes are actually implemented.

I wonder how it will work now that its free to air. I read an article on Satleo a few weeks ago where people were complaining left and right to ERT but there was no one to complain to. Someone actually said to some guy at ERT that the channel should be free but the guy told him off and said something like well the people here don't work for free, so how are they going to get paid. The nerve of some of these people, arrogant SOB's. :nono:

Aside from the soccer and the news (which I feel is the best of all the channels) I don't see how you could justify paying for this channel. The quality was lacking and not worth the $10. a month. I sure hope they keep the sports but that will depend on if ERT increases the budget or not. What are the odds of seeing the ethniki now, I wonder.

P.S. - I hope everyone understands things alright, it took me a while to translate the whole article, so somethings may not make sense?!

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HellasHab, thanks for translating the article. I was ready to post the Greek version, but you beat me to it with the English version. Good job.

I don't really know what to think of it. The one thing that stands out is fact that they claim that ERT-Sat will be free. I don't know what that means. Does it mean that the signal will Free to Air and will not be scrambled, and that anyone with proper equipment will be able to pick it and watch it without subscription? The reason I am asking is that I am sure that Dishnetwork will not all of a sudden drop the $ 12.99 that they charge for this channel.

The other interesting thing is that they will now have a US, Australian and European feeds. Let's wait and see what happens with the soccer coverage.

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But for us that live here in the States and are fanatic about Greek soccer, there's nothing really said about that. It goes to show that sports is not really under their "radar" This is something that would attract soooo many Greek Americans to watch ERTSAT.

Other than that, great stuff hopefully with all those changes more soccer will come...

:tup: :blink: :tup: :blink: :tup: :blink: :tup: :blink: :tup: :blink:

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I believe that FTA is what they mean and I have my suspicions that you will soon see ERT SAT move to Telestar-5 which is where alot of the FTA stuff is. They recently changed transmission companies (as you posted) and are now on Globecast satellite. Telestar-5 is where Globecast World TV is so it may be added to their line-up but as a Free to air channel. This is what BVN from Holland did recently, they went FTA and moved from Dishnet to Globecast. I don't know what this means for programming now, I hope the sports stays!

Time to get another dish, damn it! What size do you need to pick up Telestar-5?

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I think I took accidentally to many stupid pills this morning but wasnt ert-sat always free-to-air??? I mean, whenever there was a footy match they sometimes wouldnt show it, sure, but ert-sat was always free, wasnt it?

I thought it was also free. I haven't watches it in several weeks because they never show anything good :tdown:
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Reading the article, it appears that they signalled out basketball because Ert has purchased broad and exclusive rights to next season's games. And as we all know in soccer, the rights are always up in the air this time of year and probably will be until September.

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ert sat is the only channel that has shown some concern towards the omogenia. The others are just there to profit from us with substandard programming.

I don't know why you guys are paying for this service, as we in Australia is free to air. Its always been free to air, however paytv providers such as tarbs where charging for this channel and it didn't become apparent until tarbs when bankrupted.

Its the only channel apart form ANt1 that broasdcasts to Australia for the time being. If ert sat could upgrade their quality of programming, they would be the best channel for omogenia and its free!!!!!!!!!

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Green, I agree on ERT-sat as being the only channel worth watching. At least in my case. I watch Antenna sat only for the Olympiakos soccer games and AMAN Ta Katharmata.

Now why are we paying for ERT-Sat? It's because there is no other way to receive it for free. It's not available FTA. The only way to get it is through Dishnetwork, and they charge 12.99 per month for it.

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