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Trouble Every Day at PAOK


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PAOK is facing financial problems these days. Everyone from Kafes, Vokolos, Koutsis, Fringer, Anatsasiadis, etc. are demanding back wages. The latest news is that the current players have not been payed in a long time.

On top of that rumors of new prospective buyers surface every month or so. In the meantime the team has to start looking ahead to the next season.

I think this will be a tough summer for our team. I won't be suprised if Goumenos sells some of our great assets, such as Salpiggidis and Udese.

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Ziaka, can you give me a summary of the two articles in English? I tried reading it, but my greek reading isn't that great, especially the big words...

Thanks, Niko

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To summarize both articles, it says that PAOk is facing big financial problems. They owe something between 5 - 6 million Euro to past and current players, coaches, etc. It also says that Giannis Goumenos does not have the finances to straighten the situation out. He blames the fact that PAOK was elimintaed from CL and the fact that the PAOK fans are not supporting the team by attending games.

The articles also claim that current players, whose paychecks were recently bounced by the banks have complained to their coach, but they will not currently go on strike.

Also the articles say that for PAOK to come out of this hard financial situation, Goumenos has to sell his shares to somebody who can take the team to a higher level, and who can help them out financialy. the article also says that Goumenos got a 2 million loan from Mandaric of Portsmouth earlier in the year, but that was not enough.

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Thanks for the translation Ziaka. Damn, sounds like a huge mess.

The team has had financial problems for the longest time now... Ziaka do you think now is the worst? Is PAOK in danger of going bankrupt and being relegated? There's always been rumors of someone purchasing the club for years now, but nothing ever happens.

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I don't think it is as bad as it was couple years ago, when Batatoudis left. Once Goumenos got control of the team he tried to slowly get the team out of the financial hole. Unfortunately he can't do much more. He also made some serious mistakes along the way. There is just way too much debt to overcome for somebody who does not have the money to throw in. I don't think we will get relegated or go bankcrupt, but I see him selling all our good players to make ends meet.

There is always a chance that someone with deep pockets will come along and rescue the team, but I don't see that happening.

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What can one do or say anymore at the mess that is PAOK.

This is so frustrating--I can't understand how anyone, espcially a so-called businessman could run a business in the way that Goumenos has. Not just him however, a lot of this crap also stems from Batitoudis.

If any of us were to run a business like this, we would have been fired by the shareholders a long time ago.

Not getting paid...owing money...Where are we? In post-communist Russia? These sorts of situations only bring the team and the league into question. Ultimately, it hurts everyone's reputation.

As it stands, it looks like a bleak future. Talk of players coming to PAOK, a new stadium, etc... it's all bullshit. As Ziaka mentioned, we can expect to see Salpiggidis and Udese gone. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Salpiggidis went to Portsmouth the way things are developing between Mandaric and Goumenos. (Strange scenario eh? It only just occured to me)

In any event, I think it's high time EPAE took action. I know, I know...empty power, empty threats. But this crap has got to stop. What I suggest is that whenever there is to be a change in ownership...on any team in the A' Ethniki for example, then that new owner would have to pass some scrutiny by EPAE and maybe some independent accounting company. I would even suggest some foreign economist/accounting firm...so as to bring some hard validity to the situation. Something which would verify beyond any doubt that new owners ability to pay the bills, bring a solid economic plan to fund future projects, and show that they have a viable interest in improving the team on all accounts. If the new perspective owner didn't meet these requirements, then sorry, you don't get the team.

All of this would in effect force the old owner to court someone who really would be good for the club. Instead of getting some clown who owns a few gyro stands in along Egnatia. The cycle would be broken and something anew could come along and change things over a few years.

What do you guys think? Too good to be true? Whole lot of crap?

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Is it just me or is there no logic to this club anymore.

How is this fool (Goumenos) able to justify any moves that he makes. He owes so much money to so many people and the list is growing everyday it seems. Add to that, he's signing players (Akiel) who are going to be making 2-300,000 Euro. Where is the sense in signing someone who you won't be able to pay later on...who will only bitch and moan about not being paid...who will probably be bitter and take out his frustrations on the pitch...and who will finally be released and take you to court to get his money back.

This cycle is so stupid and frustrating. PAOK have lost too many good players to this rediculous and seemingly endless stupidity.

It's very simple:

When you have money. Buy a player.

When you don't have money. You don't.

When you owe money, you don't buy new until you pay off the old.

Bring up players from the youth system or loaned out players. That's what you have those systems there for. That's why teams play money to develop players. This lack of common sense in the front office is exasperating!!! :xxx: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%:

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Is it just me or is there no logic to this club anymore.

How is this fool (Goumenos) able to justify any moves that he makes. He owes so much money to so many people and the list is growing everyday it seems. Add to that, he's signing players (Akiel) who are going to be making 2-300,000 Euro. Where is the sense in signing someone who you won't be able to pay later on...who will only bitch and moan about not being paid...who will probably be bitter and take out his frustrations on the pitch...and who will finally be released and take you to court to get his money back.

This cycle is so stupid and frustrating. PAOK have lost too many good players to this rediculous and seemingly endless stupidity.

It's very simple:

When you have money. Buy a player.

When you don't have money. You don't.

When you owe money, you don't buy new until you pay off the old.

Bring up players from the youth system or loaned out players. That's what you have those systems there for. That's why teams play money to develop players. This lack of common sense in the front office is exasperating!!! :xxx: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%: :*&%:

In the real world that's how it all works! But in Greece! well jut take AEK as an example owed 130 million Euro and are buying players also!

were logic ends greek football begins!

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