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EPO asking for TV rights bids.

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As noted in another thread, EPO has announced that it is asking for bids for TV rights for NT games (includinh Elpides). This for games that will be part of the next WC qualifying, and any games (friendlies) that will be scheduled after July 1, 2004.

Below you can read the details of the EPO announcement:

Details from EPO.gr

The closing date for the bids is October 15. As noted in the other thread, now is the good time to bombard EPO and everybody else concerning the TV rights of our NT in North America and Australia.

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I don't think EPO has an asking price. I think they will go with the highest bidder.

I don't think TARBS will be entering the bidding process. It is up to the stations that are carried by TARBS to enter the bidding process. TARBS just carries the stations. I don't think they are in the business of securing TV rights for soccer games.

I think we should be asking ERT to do everything possible to secure the rights for the omogeni around the world.

We should be contacting ERT, EPO, Secretary of Culture (Venizelos), Undesecretary of Sports (Lianis), SAE (Syndesmos Apodymou Ellinismou) and telling them that we want to see OUR ETHNIKI games live!!!!

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Hey Guys,

I sent an email to EPO. still haven't received a reply. Don't think I ever will to be honest. These guys don't care about us in the diaspora. I sent an email to ERT a while back and never recieved a reply. So that is why I didn't bother to sent one to them now about the soccer coverage or lack thereof?!

I think what has to be done is this- those that subscribe to Greek channels be it in the U.S. or Australia or where ever, should call up and voice there opinions about the lack of soccer coverage. I believe Dishnet actually has a seperate phone number for inquiries about greek programming. Hopefully these people will pass this info on to the broadcasters(ERT, ANT, MEGA). What people should also do is this- Tell them you will cancel your subscription if they do not add soccer to thier line-ups. There is STRENGH IN NUMBERS, the more people that do this the better. This is the only way they will pay attention. If thousands of people cancel their subscription, there goes a whole lot of revenue out the window for ERT, etc.

If I lived in the U.S. and was a subscriber I would definitely do this. Actually I already have. I cancelled Odyssey TV (Canada) about a year ago due to a programming issue. This was not mainly about soccer but also because I did not like the programming on their channel.

Unfortunately tactics like I mentioned above are the only things that work with these people. Bug the hell out of them and hopefully in time they will do something. Granted this may not always work but if you really want to see some soccer then I think it is definitely worth the time and effort. A few emails, a phone call, that's all it takes.

WE should be calling the shots, because WE (the viewers) are the ones who PAY for these channels, etc.

Anyone have any other ideas or thoughts on my proposal?

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