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Dusan back at pasalimani


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there is no such thing as loyalty, when you look at what Dusan has done!!!!!

I don't blame the originals on their stand, when he arrived back after his first encounter with gauvrous.

What makes it worse now, he is trying to get some of your top players to leave the club and go to olympiakos.

What poor demi is trying to save, your mate Dusan is trying to destroy!!!!!

Now you guys will know which players hearts are with club or in their pocket.......

It is such a shame for a well respected club like yours to be in this situation!!!!!!!!!!!

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there is no situation.

we are not concerned with the coaches of other teams.

any players that want to leave to try their luck with another club are free to do so.

and in the future, when opening topics about Mr Bajevic, please do so int eh appropriate Forum.

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Some PAO fans hate Antonis, because he has gone to gauro.

Do Aek fans hate Dusan for going to gauro?

After the way the same AEK fans threw him out ?

Football players and coaches are professionals

They will, and should, go to whoever wants them more

What do you expect them to do after their teams fire them or force them out?

Retire, or wait for the move that will not hurt the fans feelings ?

While those same fans would boo them anyway?

It is ecouraging to see that some AEK fans still think this is not an issue, good attitude.


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This rivalry is interesting to people who like soap operas and only them.

AEK and AEK fans had a problem with Bajevic for "the way" he left for Olympiakos in the first place and the harm he tried to cause the club by approaches to players who would be judged as illegal in any advanced footballing nation.

I believe he is the best manager we ever had in Greece but I told people even back at Psomiaids days I did not want him back in AEK for moral reasons.

The fact that he now goes back to Olympiakos has nothing to do with AEK and AEK fans. Even if he approaches and lures to the port some unpaid AEK players its OK since its AEK who cannot keep them anyway.

So dont recycle the same story when it has no grounds to be based on.

This chapter is closed for AEK.

Good luck to the man wherever he goes.

He must be one of the few men who might even deserve a Stand in the new Stadium (whenever this will be built) in his name... a stand and a Stadiums he will only be allowed to enter as a rival coach! :lol:

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