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Who do you think will be relegated?


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It's getting close to finishing the season and 7 teams stand out to have a possible chance of being relegated. I think Kilkisaikos and Pontiakos are goin to be relegated, after all, they are 10 points away from the next position up :whistle: . Then left is one relegation spot, and it can go to anyone! I think that spot could either go to Vyzas Megara (25), Lykoi (25), Leonidio (27), Kavala (27), or Archarnaikos (29). Since Kavala still has 10 games to be played, I think they have a possible chance of getting a couple more points to finish near the bottom. But to the other 4 teams, I think it could be anyone. :( I'm going to say that Lykoi :la: will be relegated just because they've played the most games so far out of this group. Any other predictions? Do you think that Kilkisaikos or Pontiakos can come back from behind? :P Disagree with my prediction? I'd like to know. Thanks :D GO KASTORIA!!!!! :tup: :tup:

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I agree with Ilisiakos that Acharnaikos will probably stay in the division.

The relegation zone will be around 43-45 points.

Kavala for me is not yet safe. They have a difficult program and they are very weak away from Kavala. They play 8 games at home including Kastoria and Larisa which means that they will get only ~15 points from the home games. They need an away win and if they don't get it in Pontiako this weekend I don't see were they will get it.

Leonidio is in biggest trouble than Kavala. Very tough schedule combined with inability to get points away from home (3 points in 11 games) makes them one of the "favorites" to go down, at least for me.

Vyzas will probably survive. I don't know how they are financially now, but their schedule is managable.

Lykoi changed manager two weeks ago and they got their first win in nearly two months. Their schedule is not bad, but they are droping easily points at home. They are counterbalancing that by getting a lot of points away from home.

Kilkisiakos made a lot of transfers during January, and they have start picking up points. I feel that they can do the comeback, but to do so they have to get wins in Kavala and Kalochori.

So, as I see thing at this moment, I think that Leonidio and either Kilkisiakos or Kavala will follow Pontiakos in the D' division.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After today's results Lykoi got some breathing room, while Kilkisiakos chances to make it are almost negligible.

Leonidio (27), Kavala (28) and Vyzas (28) will fight for the next spot with Leonidio being my "favorite" to go down.

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Vaggar, you may be right in your prediction. Here are today's standings of the last six teams:

15 ILTEX Lykoi 32 28 4 5 6 4 3 6 30-32 :la:

16 Vyzas Megara 31 27 6 3 4 2 4 8 27-38 :la:

17 Kavala 29 24 7 3 2 1 2 9 16-23 :not:

18 Leonidio 27 27 7 3 3 1 0 13 20-34 :unsure:

19 Pontiakos 18 28 5 3 7 0 0 13 11-47 :whistle:

20 Kilkisiakos 16 27 2 4 7 2 0 12 17-51 :whistle:

From a look at these standings, we could probably say that Pontiakos and Kilkisiakos are going to be relegated. But that last spot is still vacant. By the look of these standings, I'd say that Vyzas and Lykoi are safe, while Kavala and Leonidio are still in that danger zone. But since Leonidio has played three more games than Kavala, I'd have to agree with Vaggar and say that Leonidio relegating is a good guess..... :tup: :tup:

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