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Everything posted by Yiankos

  1. Είναι εύκολο να πας στην κορυφή, δύσκολο να διατηρηθείς. Η ομάδα έχει τους περισσότερους παίκτες σε λίγο ή πολύ χειρότερη κατάσταση από πέρυσι και παρόλο αυτά πάμε καλά. Το μεγάλο αγκάθι ήταν η Ευρώπη. Πλέον μόνο ο πρωταθλητής θα πηγαίνει στο Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ. Είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένος που παρότι κομβικοί παίκτες δεν αποδίδουν καλά, καταφέρνουμε και παίρνουμε τα αποτελέσματα που θέλουμε. Και έχω μία αίσθηση ότι οι κακές κινήσεις τύπου Χατσερίδη ή Μπερμπάτοφ θα σταματήσουν από τους Ιβάν και Γιωργάκη. Είμαστε σε τροχιά ανόδου και ελπίζω και στις επόμενες μεταγραφικές περιόδους να καταφέρουμε να ρίξουμε τον μέσο όρο ηλικιακά και να βρούμε λαυράκια που θα μοσχοπουλήσουμε τα επόμενα χρόνια. Το πιο σημαντικό που με κάνει χαρούμενο είναι το κλίμα. Βλέπω χαμόγελα, βλέπω παίκτες με διάθεση, βλέπω ακόμα και τους παγκίτες να μην εκνευρίζονται και κανένας να μην το παίζει υπεράνω. Μεγάλη επιτυχία του Φερέιρα που δεν πίστευα ότι θα τα καταφέρει.
  2. No man, I don't expect 5-1 wins. My point is that this year Biseswar literally destroyed plenty of our games and we struggled because of his poor form. Same goes with Pelkas. But don't get me wrong here, I don't imply I want them to leave either. Just El Kaddouri is a consistent player. He plays 6 or 7 every single game. The other two can go down to 3 or 4 and that's a pity. My main question for you is, do you think El Kaddouri's departure will make our team better? Because I'm pretty sure whoever is going to come as a replacement won't be showing anything as he would need time to adjust (best example Misic). Now, if the money comes, for sure go ahead and sell him. I'm not his fan boy. I'm fan of PAOK and I want the best for my team. If you are El Kaddouri's "hater" then you should ask yourself why and if that "helps" the team.
  3. It's a different story to say he's not that great (that would be only Misic and Giannoulis this year) and it's a different story to want him to leave the team in January. I'm not in love with El Kaddouri, I just know what he can give to the team and I doubt if he leaves we'll find a replacement. This year Biseswar's performance is unfortunately abysmal and that's the main reason our team struggled in many games. Pelkas is also not at his best, he's rather mediocre as well. Having El Kaddouri gives more options. That being said, if they manage to sell El Kaddouri in summer and get a better version of him that would be IDEAL! We paid to buy him, so ideally we will get some of that $$ back to get rid of him.
  4. @PAOKSYD if you think El Kaddouri's departure is gonna make Biseswar and Pelkas play eventually some damn ball this year then I am very proud to be 1/10!
  5. @Nilaul we play with two midfielders. Basically they have to be superhumans, otherwise we cannot compete in European games. Those two positions are the toughest. They need to be doing everything close to perfect. They are not allowed to make mistakes (we lose the ball, counter-attack, concede goal), they need to be fast and defensively strong, they are not supposed to get tired, when we defend they need to be asap close to our box and when attacking they need to be asap close and often inside opponent's box. They need to have speed when we steal the ball and counter-attacking, likewise when we lose the ball and need to defend. They need to have vision, be able to score and give assists. Midfielders with no goals or assists are weak link for a team. They need to be able to score with a shot outside the box. Also, strong when the ball is up in the air. They are involved in many crucial header situations and they should be able to score and defend perfectly set pieces. The list is endless... And what I mentioned is the reason it's easy to find a good winger, but not a good central midfielder. And if you consider our midfielders, they are all lacking some of these characteristics. This year Misic is by far the best midfielder exactly because he's doing most of the above at a high level. Esiti is lacking many of them and that's why he cannot play especially against most Greek teams, Augusto he's very good in some but also lacking some, and Mauricio is not at the level of Misic' performance yet (hopefully he will improve).
  6. El Kaddouri - He is one of the best players on the roster. I would say he's pretty consistent, but unfortunately he is lacking some skills you guys mentioned and are crucial to each position. The fact he can play 4-5 different positions shows his quality. To me, the most disturbing thing is he cannot score and considering his height I would expect him to score from set pieces. If he were able to score from these, he would give so much more to the team. Otherwise, tactically is the best player we have. That's why both Lucescu and Fereira love him. Lastly, he's prone to injuries, so basically he never gets a decent run of games. That being said, if he's on the bench I feel secure. No matter who gets injured/tired/needs to be subbed (Biseswar, Pelkas, Limnios, Vieirinha, Misic, Mauricio etc) he is the one who can stand up and replace adequately all our midfielders and attacking midfielders. Kace - he's good for an average Greek team. Nothing more than that. We lost lots of time trying Kace (even this summer with Fereira). Stoch - I would absolutely get rid of him and play Lambrou instead. Not that I don't like the guy. Just no good for the team or him to not make it even to the bench for most games. We pay serious $$ for nothing and he's 30 years old. He should be somewhere being a starter. From what I saw during the summer and the few games he got to play, he's still in a summer training mode. One speed slower than everyone else, struggling to do anything. With his quality as a player, that means he's not even close to be physically fit.
  7. Χρόνια πολλά σε όλους με υγεία!
  8. I like Soares. Last year he played for a team that almost got relegated. They scored only 35 goals in 34 games and Soares scored 4 of them and gave 5 assists. Pretty impressive statistics. The "bad" thing is he has to fill Matos' shoes. Really tough job. I would say equally hard as Giannoulis replacing Vieirinha. Giannoulis managed to do it. Who knows if Soares will do so.
  9. Να μιλάμε σοβαρά γι' αυτούς δεν έχει νόημα. Είναι σιχάματα. Το μόνο που έχει νόημα είναι ότι προς το παρόν μόνο ο τιτανομέγιστος Καρύπαρος του "Ο Α.Ρ.Η.Σ." στηρίζει Μαρινάκη. Ας ελπίσουμε ότι ο Μελισσανίδης δεν θα συστρατευτεί μαζί του. Αν μείνει μόνος λογικά δεν θα καταφέρει τίποτα. Θα μείνει με τα 6 εκατομμύρια οπαδούς και τις εβδομαδιαίες πίπες του Θεοδωρίδη και του Καραπαπάρα.
  10. Ωραίο κλείσιμο της χρονιάς! No mercy στην ερυθρόλευκη ταναπού. Είμαι σίγουρος θέλουν να πάνε πίσω τις αγωνιστικές για να αλλάξει ημερομηνία το ματς στην Τούμπα. Ελπίζω να μην τους περάσει. Misic κορυφαίος by the way!
  11. Σταφυλίδης παίζει κεντρικός αμυντικός στην Εθνική. Επίσης έχει παίξει και στο κέντρο.
  12. Soares needs to play some. In January we will have O A.R.I.S., then OFI for the cup and then AEK in a week...
  13. Holy c r a p, just realized Toulouse is last in Ligue 1....
  14. Μία ομάδα που μας έχει κάνει πάρα πολλά διπλά. Έξι τα τελευταία δεκαπέντε χρόνια. Μία ομάδα που αποδυναμώθηκε, αλλά κατ' εμέ ήταν η 4η καλύτερη ομάδα της χώρας την τελευταία 10ετία.
  15. We played our usual game. Nothing impressive. At least half of the game we were average. Thankfully Zivkovic kept the clean sheet and we scored early in the second half. That's how we basically won. As far as performance go we can -and should- do better.
  16. Zivkovic Matos-Ignason-Crespo-Giannoulis Augusto-Misic Limnios-Biseswar-El Kaddouri Akpom
  17. By the way, what's happening with Koulouris? He scored some goals in the beginning of the year and then silence...
  18. Stoch got his chances. He's a disappointment from the summer friendly games and basically never improved. Lambrou, it's a shame he didn't get any matches. If we were playing in Europe and the Cup hadn't changed format we would have certainly seen him in a few matches.
  19. If Savvidis doesn't manage to build a new stadium, then we'll never have a new stadium. That's a good enough reason to have a new stadium. By the way, do you guys remember before Savvidis' era came how much we had to spend every year for the stadium? Renovations and improvements cost us almost a million euros every now and then. I'm sure Savvidis' spends even more, they just go unnoticed. And the older it gets the more problems, more repairs etc... I hope a new stadium will help us get new fans. Or have PAOK fans who never go to the stadium, start doing it. I would love for PAOK to become a bigger part of people's life. I also would like the stadium to be such an astonishing building that will eventually attract more tourists. Not that there many tourists in Thessaloniki, but those who come will go to Leuko Pirgo, Kastra, Paralia, Kamara, etc, and at the TOUMBA STADIUM! And if we go from 28,700 to 40,000 that's quite significant banana. I can keep going, but one last thing. The new stadium will have a "proper" gate for the visitor fans and we won't be losing many tickets for the European games. Of course that requires that our fans will be also behaving themselves. I take it for granted. Right now, we are forced to completely close gate 8 which has a capacity of almost 3,000. When 100 away fans come and we basically lose 3,000 PAOK fans. That's a shame!
  20. To win twice in a row is a very rear event in Nea Smirni. Not to forget Olympiakos dropped points there this year. Crucial match!
  21. Η ομάδα ψάχνεται ακόμα. Κάποια καλά διαστήματα, αλλά σε γενικές γραμμές μέτρια απόδοση. Ομάδες τύπου Παναιτωλικού φέτος είναι για Δ' Εθνική σε σοβαρά πρωταθλήματα (με το ζόρι). Παρόλο αυτά, μπράβο στην ομάδα και ελπίζουμε να στρώσουμε σύντομα!
  22. Right, particularly Pelkas-Vieirinha-Swiderski don't seem to be very helpful.
  23. Αν και για να τα λέμε και όλα η ομάδα είχε αλλού το μυαλό της αυτή την εβδομάδα. Το μείζον θέμα ήταν ότι ο Βόλος δεν έδωσε εισιτήρια στον Ολυμπιακό. Ανάστατη η Παπαναστασίου και ο μεγάλος ηγέτης Θόδωρας Καρύπαρος. Καρύπα ψυχάρα για πάντα ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΑΡΕΙΑΝΑΡΑ! Edit: Και επίσης είχαν το μυαλό τους στο να βγάλουν τα εισιτήρια για το ματς με τον ΠΑΟΚ ένα μήνα πριν. Αν δεν πάρουν κανά δυο δανεικούς από το αφεντικό δεν μπαίνουν στα πλέι οφ. Οπότε ένα ματς τους έμεινε για φέτος. Όλα τ' άλλα δεν έχουν νόημα. Να φέρετε και τον Τσουκαλά να βοηθήσει παιδιά, γιατί προβλέπετε το πρωτάθλημα της Βόλβης φέτος.
  24. Είδα το δεύτερο ημίχρονο ΟΦΗ-Ο Α.Ρ.Η.Σ. Καλύτερος παίκτης του υπερπρωταθλητή ήταν ο Κομίναρος! Μπράβο τ' αγόρια μου! Βέβαια αυτοί θα βγούνε να πούνε σφαγή του Ο Α.Ρ.Η.Σ. όπως κάθε αγωνιστική. Τα είπε και ο πρόεδρός τους, ο γαυράκος. Κυνηγάνε τον Ολυμπιακό και τον Α.Ρ.Η. Κάποτε η συμμαχία που κάνατε με τον Ολυμπιακό, σας έδινε δανεικούς και σώζατε κατηγορία. Τώρα αλλάξανε τα κόζια. Και με Κομίνη μαέστρο δεν μπορείτε. Περαστικά στ' αφεντικά!
  25. There's a difference between your 2,500 fans and my 1,000 fans. You count people that don't bother showing up when PAOK plays in Germany for Europa League (or even Champions League qualifying match).
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