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Posts posted by pash

  1. He is def not a 5mm EUR player. Seems to be terrified of big games - there's a reason he didn't play a lot of the bigger games at the end of last season (and why Vukic was made a starter in spite of his 80 year old legs). If we get an offer for 5, I say we take it an RUN.


    That said, I'd be fine with keeping him too. Let him battle it out with Mak or Kitsiou or Pereyra for a while, show his worth.

  2. Going back to an earlier point - people still think the government owes them a pension? Really? I figured out when I was 16 that social security was not going to be around when I retired. I also knew that the retirement age would keep getting pushed back. That is just reality - we live too damn long. People also like to argue that the government can't run anything right. Well, you can't have it both ways - if they can't control their own affairs, how could you be comfortable with relying on a monthly check from them when you're too old to work? These reasons are why I've spent the last 14 years preparing myself for that future.


    Are people really so naive?

  3. Exactly. At least he's young, but yet again we're here to recuperate someone who has fallen out of form. I guess we will see how this plays out.


    Any word on Salpi? Assuming he leaves, we'd have just Klaus and Koulouris going forward. It's about time Koulouris gets serious game time; I would think having someone as expensive as Finny won't exactly help in that regard (at least until the inevitable barrage of suspensions hits us midseason again).

  4. So in other words, the day after the referendum. This means that either (1) the majority votes yes and Tsipras has to get on his knees to beg the forgiveness of the creditors (assuming we don't default and the world goes to s%$#! after the 30th), or (2) they vote no, we drop the euro, and the bank holiday is extended until the new currency is worked out.

  5. I wonder if the club will be able to pay these people if/when the country drops the euro. I'm guessing our bank accounts are in Cyprus, and that they'll draw salaries in that way.


    And regarding the above - I don't think this guy is worth a million, frankly. But I guess with events unfolding as they are, we'll have to really shell out the dough to get *anyone*.

  6. I have no idea who this guy is.




    But...did he kill a man in jail? What the F*** is this. Maybe his big brother Mitroglou should have given him some better life advice.

  7. I was happy to hear he did fine Pereyra. The team needs discipline, and he should lay down the law immediately. Lucas is getting quite annoying, just sell the guy and be done with him.


    You're probably right about the old timers trying to impress him.


    Mazel tov for Golasa.

  8. I don't know about you guys, but I've still got a hardon over this team. DOCTOR, DOCTOR, IT'S BEEN MORE THAN FOUR HOURS!!!


    There have been a number of great Pontian footballers that have featured in the Ethniki over the years. What would a Pontian side look like today? I'll have a go, feel free to make your own XI, let me know if I've missed someone or correct me if I'm wrong about the origins of any footballers!

    Aravidis Athanasiadis
    Klonaridis Katidis Tachtsidis Fetfatzidis
    Stafylidis Tavlaridis Khacheridi Torosidis

  9. I think it's unlikely we'll have the new blood here in time for these matches (and probably for our first qualifier for the EL). Apart from, of course, our new friends from Giannina. Thing is, even a depleted and demoralized team should be able to get us through at least that first match. Fingers crossed.

  10. Would be hard to argue with that.


    Arnesen is asked about Garcia about an hour into the above press conference. Essentially says that he gave him a little while to think about what he wanted to do with the club (scout, coach, etc). Garcia chose to become a coach, so Arnesen told him that he needs to start slowly. Right now he's the U17's assistant coach, and is working on getting his badges. I'm glad they're taking it slow with him, it would be typical for us to give him a far-too-elevated position when he is just getting started (*coughstevenscoughcough*)

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