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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. How anyone can think ill of Varoufakis is bizarre.  You may disagree with his economic views, but talk of hanging and mocking, well your heart is black.  That's for sure.  I think, beyond repair or redemption.


    This has been a political thread for some time, with no real economic dialogue.


    Maybe the Junta can come back and hang them.  Then you can have a big party and celebrate.

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  2. Unfortunately, Springvale was unable to get past Oakeigh.  Good game last night and a good crowd.  Oakleigh were slightly better at best and were definitely nothing to boast about.  Springvale probably gave them too much respect.


    A red card and penalty with 15 minutes to go really turned the game on it's head and it was one way traffic with Oakleigh hanging on for dear life in the end, with two goal line clearances and scrambles all over the place.


    Overall a great night and for a club of it's size, a great run by the boys of Springvale Aris.

  3. Hospitals are running out of sheets, painkillers, and other types of supplies yet the Greek government is busy releasing "technical" papers blaming everyone else besides themselves for the problem.  This government came in here with no plan and you can tell we are down to the end now and they still have no plan.  One minute they say a deal is close, the next minute they are trying to scare Europe by calling Russia, then the next minute they are asking for nazi reparations.  What an amateur crew.  The European leaders have to wonder where did these people come from and how is it possible to elect a group of idiots like these.


    I agree, the ND posse were so much more malleable.

  4. What are you guys expecting ?  For PAOK to sign Mourinho ?


    The only club in Greece that has signed any decent overseas manager is Olympiakos and that is because they have 5x the budget of every club and are guaranted CL each year.  All the other clubs fight over the scraps.


    Look over there, a pixie!

  5. Good, and hopefully the other two will say no as well. Di Matteo would be stupid to ruin his reputation coming to the banana republic called Greece.


    I have my own republic ?  I didn't even know.

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  6. @Bananas


    comments like Greeks can't be tamed are more harmful than useful....


    so we accept and understand we have issues, yet we refuse to move forward....  that is actually quite disturbing and sad...

    this is where all the 'stereotypes' begin....we fuel the fire..


    The wording and interpretation is yours not mine.


    I was referring to Greek resistance/stubbornness.  I probably shouldn't have used the word resistance.  It's been misinterpreted, but the point remains the same.  And that is, that getting the citizens of Greece to run their country in a manner similar to Germany or some other modernized nation is not only difficult to do, it's almost impossible at the moment.  Maybe it's just not realistic in the time frame desired by the EU.


    This thread has one common theme, and that is that Greece needs reforms.  And there are ideas and suggestions of what some of those reforms should be.  But as to actual implementation details ... well, that's the hard part.  It's easy enough to pass a bill through parliament saying "tax collection this and that", but getting the tax collectors to work properly, and then the judiciary and police to enforce those laws, and to make the reform work properly and holistically, that's the hard part.  When it comes to the specifics of how to fix things, conversations mostly go quiet.


    Oh no, now I've done it.  Here come the posts now about how it's impossible to have reform while any left leaning government is in power ...

  7. It's unfortunate Arnesen wasn't brough in over the Xmas break, so that he would have had some time to really look at the squad as well as have time to hire a manager for next season.  And to make matter worse, our play offs debacle means he now has even less time!


    I don't expect too much for this season due to the lack of time he has.  Having said that, I do expect an improvement on the season just finished.  The next few weeks will be enlightening.


    P.S.  I hope the rumors about Di Matteo are just that.  He had an awful season with Schalke.

  8. Akrivws...einai para polu shmantiko (and not just so we can watch more matches). Den mporeis na xtiseis kati otan den uparxoun agwnes - and isn't building something, the point? As far as I'm concerned, we really need to make it to the group stages.


    Dutch Eagle, I was just looking for that site the other day, thank you for posting it again!


    That site has been around for years, and it's always been an excellent site.  If you google "uefa coefficient" it'll be the 3rd or 4th hit usually.

  9. The PAOK team is a disaster, I think the real question should be which players would you want to keep?

    Goalkeepers: only Glykos and he is on probation for a year. Perform or you're out.

    Defenders: Skondras, Vitor, Rats.

    Midfield: Kace, Noboa, Golasa.

    Attackers: Klaus, Mak, Pereyra.

    That's 10 players. So only need to sign another 15 or so. And those 10 are far from strong. They are squad players at best. The only player out of that lot I'd pencil in as a starter each week is Kace.

  10. It's really difficult to say who the 12 will be. We'll soon find out if there is any truth to it. One thing I am happy about is that Arnesen has a sense of urgency about the situation. This was the case even before our woeful playoff (1 goal, 1 goal!!) performance.

    All I can say is the players cut will indicate the direction he wants to take the club in. Will he eliminate youth to make room for more experienced squad players with the intent of having more depth ? Will he get rid of players that are past it e.g Salpi ? Players that on paper should be leaders but aren't doing the job e.g Maduro, Tziolis ? All of the above ? I have no idea.

    The only player I don't see us cutting out of your list is Costa. He's on a decent wage so he won't be easy to do a deal with, and he hasn't really failed like many other players in the team over a number if seasons. Having said that, if Costa is happy to leave it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I don't really want players of his age in the squad unless they are absolutely killing it, which he isn't.

  11. Not sure what "epos tou 40" is.


    I don't think it's as simple as what you're saying.  If the EU just wanted it's money back it would have never lent the money in the first place with the terms as agreed.  They would have either lent the money on a short term basis, maybe 10 years or so with some sort of collateral.  I know, the idea sounds farcical since the amount almost exceeds the nations GDP.  What do you provide as collateral ?


    Even if Greece did everything that is asked of them, the final payments aren't due to 2054.  2054, that's a long way away and it tells me that EU may want it's money back, but they sure are patient and are prepared to wait a long time to get it all back.


    The EU is this romantic idea that's kind of evolved where the end goal was always to have a kind of United States but a European version.  That is the idea anyway.  And in this model of course the EU dictate how things are run.  How could it be otherwise ?  If it can't dictate how Europe is run, what is it's purpose ?


    Do you really think the people voted out ND because of computer chips?  Surely there is more to it.  The main platform or promise of Syriza was to (however unrealistic) end the austerity.  The austerity is real and it's not an acceptable trade-off to the man in the street.  There is real suffering and despair, and worst of all, a general lack of hope for the future.  The people merely voted in the party that gave them the most hope.  I'm sure the average Greek citizen would happily pay taxes if they genuinely knew most of it would be used properly.  But it's hard to erase 50+ years of thinking.  Hence, the intransigence.

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  12. I'd still keep Lucas.  The situation with Deportivo where they want to buy him but can't come up with the funds should be reversed.  We should bring Lucas back and raid their team for their best one or two players.  That way Lucas can be all happy that he's got some of his chums at PAOK.




  13. And so Greece missed an IMF payment a few days ago.  The doomsday scenario happened and no one really noticed.  The media were oddly quiet as well.  Normally they are screeching like parrots about anything to do with the Greek economy.


    The EU kicked the can down the road to Greece and Greece just squashed the can.  Oops, sorry.  So, the EU and the IMF just made another can.  Now Greece has to the end of the month ...


    I really wish this situation would be resolved.  Either allow Greece to stop using the Euro, or start printing money to get growth happening (with all the problems and moral dangers that entails) but this situation as it stands is farcical.

  14. They ripped off a 13 year and his 9 year old sister at the time.  Stuff like this doesn't happen in civilized countries.  That is the Greek mentality.  To pillage and steal from anyone.


    Whoever did that to you and your sister is a c*** plain and simple.  I know that Greek mentality.  He probably bragged about it afterwards and gave himself a pat on the back but not all Greeks in Greece are like that.

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