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Everything posted by levendi2000

  1. Thats a good point but imo ur overrating the prem. I agree about selfish clubs thing you wrote. Gekas is a very talented play and should be more appreaciated because he is very talented. But u make it seem liek the prem is very nice to all there players and they are gonna love the greeks. Look wat happend to samaras. you're correct about the samaras situation, similar thing happened with skopelitis (i think his name is) and chalkias for portsmouth..but let me tell you something... the english premier league is the most followed football league of the world - people from all countries are into the premierleague. and i want our good players to get recognition... i want people to know greek players can play good football... there are many people in europe (OUTSIDE ENGLAND) who argue that Laliga, Bundesliga and serie A are the best leagues in the world.. i disagree with them, they are only prestgeous and rich leagues but their style of football is not as good as epl simply nothing compares to the premierleague. its the most entertaining, organised league, full stadiums, excellent players etc. let me tell you another thing.. even after the euro 2004 triumph.. no body knows who seitaridis is and what team he plays for (although atletico madrid is a competitive club in spain and europe) and although samaras is benched as you say, people around the world know who samaras is and where he plays.. eventhough seitaridis gets better game time.. another example is stelios.. when he was playing for olympiakos, people were like "stelio who"? you put him in the premier league (in a mid-table club) and everyone from around the world knows who he is straight away.. ofcourse the player has to perfom, but epl is where we want our good greek players.. i
  2. gekas too good for where he is right now... leverkusen are selfish.. gekas was the top goalscorer in bundesliga last season and 1 goal off the top this season!! i have posted a similar message in the kyrgiakos forum.. why dont any english premier league clubs go for players like gekas, amanatidis, kyrgiakos etc.. greek players deserve to be playing in premier league.. not selfish german clubs that don't appreciate
  3. I actually saw the video of the incident on goal4replay.net.. it seemed to me that katsouranis was charging towards him... it did not show any finger gestures, but by the looks of things, katsouranis should have left the matter alone, got on with the game and informed the club about the incident later... not charge towards a player, giving him the finger and making an embarrassing situation infront of your fans and other teams fans to laugh at.. stuff luisao... katsouranis is greek, greeks dont act like that... should have known better in my opinion :nono:
  4. must of been for one of those pre-season tournaments vs other european clubs. maybe about 3 years ago.scarey though... i dunno about anyone else but i grew up as a child in the 80s and 90s with green and white old school stripes... with a pao trifili emblem... they are my favourite strips.. anyone have pics of them ones???
  5. sounds like gekas is doing well how many golas in how many appearances?
  6. nothing much samaras could do vs wigan. he wasnt getting the right service up front. just a shocking day for man city as a team. samaras is the future of greece nt
  7. example: czech republic (8) 0 - 2 Ghana(24)
  8. i could never understand ratings... ghana is a better side then most the teams in the top 20. where are they in the rankings?
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