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Everything posted by Giourkas

  1. And yes Anastasiou may have gotten his tactics wrong but all talk for his dismissal is premature...
  2. At least we didn't leak a goal... Hopefully Abeid will give our squad "freskada" in Athens...
  3. And who's to say they don't? ..............on the side! ;)
  4. What? I thought they were a "we'll run club" with a "great roster".... :lol:
  5. ^ now that I have an issue with... Totally unacceptable behaviour...
  6. Yes, but an automatic spot for CL was available... ;)Also, I believe it was Marinakis' 1st summer transfer period. If he didn't make a splash then...
  7. Doxa, news flash buddy: the CL money (20,000,000.00) you get yearly, is what pays their salaries... The question is: what happens to the rest (majority) of that cash? Just food for thought. And do you think you will see these kind of signings once you lose automatic CL qualification?
  8. Would a judge order that he pay a 200,000.00 bond to be set free, and that he reports every 15 days to the police station if their wasn't evidence? Would his associates/friends around the league and at EPO be ordered NOT to leave the country if this weren't the case?I get that Greece cannot enforce s%$#!, but the fact remains that these things did happen...
  9. @ Reaper, Huh? What type of signings were Berg, Steele, Essien, Gordon, Sanchez...? You make it sound like Alafouzos only signs young Greek kids..
  10. Freezer, do you have insider knowledge on Sanchez's work rate? Is the guy not allowed to Instagram pics with his wife on his time off?? Xalarose!!
  11. JVC, Reaper isn't arguing, he's discussing.
  12. Nope, just the terms for him to avoid a jail cell ordered by the judge... Do you think Greece is THAT lawless? :lol:
  13. He paid 200,000.00 fine, and he reports to the cops every 15 days... As for the football activity, I'm not sure...
  14. ^^ Regarding Vaggela... Banned from any football activity Released on a ?200.000 bail Forced to report to a police station every 15 days Does that sound like an innocent man? Strange how some would have you believe that..
  15. Yep, tough times for PAO, no doubt.. But on who's back were 3 Greek teams in CL years ago? ;) Let us all hope PAO rediscovers its Euro self soon my friend...
  16. And by the way, a Cup win isn't bad given PAO's predicament.. Remember, people spoke of relegation... And for the record, I agree with you that the team deserves to be at another level.. (
  17. Lamiara, what you seem to forget is that Alafouzos is a caretaker. Find the powerful Billionaire and he will gladly step aside. And please don't bring up the family. They left PAO loaded with debt out of spite...
  18. You name me what was wrong in mine? :P You can't say our team was "lucky". That is horse s%$#!. The League was lucky Berg was out to start last season. That is the best striker by far gone for weeks on end. And when he came back, how long did it take him to hit his stride? Yup.. And somehow, up until our convincing win vs the Gavs, (when the corrupt system took over yet again), we were by far the hottest team in the 2nd half.. And then came point deductions, suspensions and what not. Yes some guys rested, (why not if you're not allowed to compete fair and square), yet others stepped up as well for the playoffs: Ninis looked the role of an offensive maestro and developed instant synergy with Berg, Mavrias added another dimension on the wing and was whipping 1 beautiful cross after another. Karelis continued his rise to fulfilling his full potential and the team on D led by Steel, Kavla, and Gordo kept blanking the opposition. I don't care what form PAOK, Atromitos and Asteras had.. We would beat them no matter what. Lest we forget that if the Protathlima was decided by the games between the top 5-6 teams PAO would of run away from it a clear winner... I suggest you stop reading pro-gav propaganda on toilet sites like contra (who are more than happy not to report anything about heroin smuggling) and watch your team and give credit where it's due. And despite the lack of budget, our boys led by Anastasiou continue to do us proud. As you like to say: Rome wasn't built in a day...
  19. I think Mavrias gave us width we now lack. Also, Gordon formed a nice duo with Kavlaridis.. Both of these guys, along with Steel were sorely missed the last couple of games... I'm all for criticizing the team when it doesn't perform, but give credit when credit is due, otherwise you come off as a mizero...
  20. All depends on if the parakga has been stamped out... Otherwise pointless to make predictions. AEK above PAO??? Really RS?
  21. Alafouzos was in jail? Tell us more! :)
  22. Lies about your President?!? LolLet me guess, the prosecution decided to move along by accusing Marinakis with 0 evidence. The as you proclaim vazelomafia is THAT powerful yet only won 2 titles and 3 cups the last 20 years! Please, tell us more about how Alafouzos is wanted in Eastern Block countries! (Irony of ironies Kokkali Sr actually served the East Germans, but don't let facts get in the way of a good story!) lol
  23. You need to stop sniping JVC... Chill out boys...
  24. He looks like a beast!! In other news, Aldon Smith has been cut because of his refusal to clean up his off field antics... What a m*****smeno.. He could of been the next Lawrence Taylor...
  25. Good for you Freezer! First off, I'm a firm believer that sports and politics don't mix. So why should I accept it when it happens in this case vs my country of ancestry? Is that not politically incorrect? I cannot accept that these farmadoroi would go out of their way just to offend us. You disagree? Good for you! By crush I mean I want to see a big scoreline. As in playing them off the field. I never asked to re-occupy Constantinople.. Eisai oreos Freezer, when the Gavs made monkey sounds to Cisse, you were outraged, yet when the Borats will allegedly try to bring up old sensitive issues vs us, you're ok with it... LOL When the Turks leave Cyprus, and start respecting our sovereign airspace and sea ways, I'll consider your optimistic view of how the world should be thank you very much.
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