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Posts posted by Akritis_1944

  1. I have no idea. He has a very impressive CV. Played in the biggest leagues but he needs good players around him or else he's a liability.

    Someone mentioned a while ago that he must be a good guy and a model professional. He doesn't seem to cause trouble at the clubs he's played for in the media.

    I've been thinking that if he wasn't such an average player I'd love him.

  2. PAO needs a few years away from Europe to sort themselves out.

    Hopefully AEK finishes in the top 5 and PAO does not. AEK would have had a better shot even this year in Europe.

  3. Xalia. The club was once respected in Greece and around Europe but this is a disgrace.

    People who make the decisions need to be excused or fired.

    Financial crisis or not the club has hit bottom and I guarantee you all that 90% of Greek clubs would have gone through this tie but talk about making the easy difficult.

    This club needs years away from Europe to sort itself out.

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  4. Bravo, well said ausgreek! Let me speak on everyone's behalf and say that you are a voice of reason on these forums.

    With your skinny jeans and your smallish sized pola you speak tell truth. May you bless us with your posts for a long time.

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  5. Please AEK fans don't turn in to some of the PAO fans with the whining and conspiracy theories. Be more like the PAOK posters.

    Doxa and Reaper offer an alternate perspective. No need to cause arguments.

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  6. Guess the refs never saw the 2 hand balls on Foftounis goal :D

    This is immature stuff. I am not a fan but I saw the play and these conspiracy theories about handballs and referees under the employ of crime gangs is petty.

    Look at the footage again. The Panionios players kept playing. Where were the protests then? Where were the handballs? According to some people the arm is also part of the shoulder and chest.

    It's like people who haven't seen the footage would think Fourtounis scored the goal ala Maradona hand of God style.

  7. I rate Platellas' raw ability. He has heaps of it but he's never going to be the finished product. Doesn't preclude him from selection though. We need a radical shake up. Him and Aravidis are deserving.

    Guys like Kats, Tziolis, Maniatis, Kone to name a few just don't cut it internationally.

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