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Posts posted by Akritis_1944

  1. ausgreek, I was ridiculed by people for predicting a 0-0. I don't want to offend anyone but it's a forum where we all express our opinions. My opinions are just better argued or considered than certain others.

    I don't care for Australian football. I have been involved in it for over 30 years. I am Greek. I support the nation of Hellas with all the problems that come with that.

    Sorry for offending you but don't take it personally. Enjoy the 4-0 against the mighty Bangladesh and have a wank at the Lowy and Les Murray shrine.

    BTW, I don't post from my bedroom. My mama takes my phone from me.

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  2. Man to man marking is out dated and inflexible. I didn't watch this match but it had the fingerprints of Rehhagel all over it. That whiteboard may as well have been written by Topalidis. Umlauts all over it.

    We make these teams look like world beaters. Can we put some perspective in to our comments, please?! I predicted a 0-0 because my logic told me that whenever we have been humiliated we've come back and played not to lose. The 0-0 versus Poland in that recent friendly. The 0-0 against Romania away. The 0-0 against Hungary. If you consider that Skibbe is considered a bit of a joke in Turkey due to his lacklustre career there, we were always going to play to not lose!

    Forgetting that we finished last in a group that contained the Faroe Islands, let's analyse our opponents:

    Turkey finished 3rd in their group! Third!!! We played ultra defensive against a team that if it wasn't for us beating Hungary would have had to play a knockout match.

    I am not happy with not losing today. It was a friendly. We aren't going to the Euro so we should have played an experimental side. Skibbe needs to see what he has. What is the point of playing a Vydra or Tziolis other than to play it to safe???

    Why are we pleased with a sub-par 0-0 against a team like Turkey? They aren't Spain or Germany FFS!

    The only positive I got from today is that Giannou played which the g*****enoi Australoi can forget about him now!

  3. Skibbe is a dud from what I can see.

    The squad has a loser mentality and was looking for a 0-0 draw, even wasting time. Can't see us doing anything great any time soon.

    Tziolis now goes over 2 years without a win playing for the Ethniki...

    This why I predicted a 0-0. Skibbe never wanted to get humiliated in Turkey. The plan was to get a 0-0. Show no ambition or any sense of wanting to win but not get embarrassed.

    The Turks don't have the greatest opinion of him as a coach so his goal was to shut up and not play.

    Way too predictable. Now let's make Bosnia look like a decent team.

    All too depressing.

  4. Yes he has been very consistent and highly regarded at Benfica.

    He picks up way too many yellow cards but that is largely due to the role he plays.

    However, he has largely looked liked an amateur for the National team.

    So go figure and try explaining it to anyone who watches him playing for Greece.

  5. Is Skibbe able to motivate this group? I have been saying this ever since Ranieri was terminated.

    Whomever is coaching this team needs to get in to their heads. He needs to put the fear in to them. To motivate them. If it calls for physically slapping a few of them around, so be it.

    There is nothing wrong with the playing talent. You can't play for Serie A, Bundesliga clubs, UCL, Benfica etc and then put in petformances like what we've all experienced since the WC.

    There is something deeply wrong with the psychology in this group. They are the walking dead. There has to be a circuit breaker. I'm not sure what exactly should occur, but Skibbe needs to be seen by his decusions that he's no one's puppet.

    Vydra, Samaris, Tziolis, Mitroglou and Moras should never be picked again.

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  6. Otto had a great record before coming to Greece but he had many fails in Germany too. What he did with Greece at the 2004 Euros is amazing. The world recognizes this, but after 2004 he was a stubborn failure. Qualifying for the 2008 Euro and 2010 were achievements, but those tournaments were a disgrace. Worst team at Euro 2008 and pathetic and negative displays against Sth Korea and Argentina.

    He never fully regenerated the group nor properly planned for the future. His tactics and style of play has tarnished Greek football for a decade now.

    I was all for Ranieri but clearly he had no idea how to motivate our players. I remain optimistic that Skibbe can steer the Ethniki in the right direction.

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  7. Skibbe has indeed achieved 1 cup in Turkey. I'm laughing at how bad his record is. I know all that.

    Better him than Martin Joll or McLeish. I'm just hoping that EPO get lucky with him. They are completely inept as we all know. The Schuster decision proves it but we were never going to get a higher caliber manager.

    Skibbe needs to be a psychologist though. I hope he has a f***ing clue because his record is abysmal.

  8. Truth is that Skibbe is probably the best in a long list of mediocre and uninspiring candidates that have been thrown up the last month.

    Seriously, Alex McLeish was apparently spoken about FFS!

    Skibbe at least has NT experience with Germany albeit at a poor stage of their history. He's only 50 years old and he can't possibly be as bad as Tsanas.

    From reading the tweets on him I notice the Turks think he is a joke. No better way to regain some credibility by turning the "pirate ship" around.

    Let's see who he calls up for the Luxembourg friendly. I remain open-minded. Even with Tsanas in the picture.

  9. melbourne is bloody cold in june....

    It's relative I guess but the claim that Melbourne is cold is farcical. I spent a number of winters there and compared to where I live now it was balmy. I never woke up to ice or temperatures near 0 degrees or all day fog.

    Those on the forum who live in Canada and northern USA or parts of Europe (Greece included) know the definition of winter. Anyway the Greeks will miss 3 weeks of heat for temperatures that will be perfect for football.

  10. It's a typical nothing story from know-nothing hacks.

    OK he is currently equal leading scorer in the league (with Mantzios and Fortounis) but he hasn't played against the better teams nor scored in Europe yet.

    If Giannou scores 20 this season then he'll be a Greece international by the time WC qualifiers come around. I don't see it though. He'll be 26 in January so time is running out for him. Australia can have him. They pick up Greece's scraps anyway.

    Ikonomidis, Bouzanis, Mells, Armenakas to name a few kids who would never make it in Greece.

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