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Posts posted by Akritis_1944

  1. I only saw the highlights. That goal we conceded was poor. Manolas acting like a step ladder for his opponent. Karnezis equally liable. Defending needs to improve overall but specifically on set pieces. We've conceded too many over the last year.

    We were once the best performed team in friendlies. Given where we have come from results wise it was good to get a win. Crnagora or "Serbia-Lite" is a decent pot 3 team and we should always be expected to beat them.

    Shirts looked OK as well.

  2. I've actually changed my mind on the shirt. It definitely is plain and generic but it's better than the collared abomination we had the last 2 years. I have that shirt in white but I've never worn it.

    If these new ones are reasonably priced and I can try one on for look and sizing I'll probably buy one in blue just for a laugh.

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  3. No we never had this problem in the past though. We were a rabble and disorganised but we had a certain level of attacking flare. What changed under Rehhagel was that he put an emphasis on organization and defence which totally came at the expense of attacking football.

    In the past we had decent attacking players who could create and score some of our chances. The trade-off under Rehhagel was that we were not going to cop cheap goals like we did.

    A strong defence suits our style. We have world class defenders. The challenge is to transition to attack more efficiently and have a plan. The last Euro qualifying showed that we could dominate everyone in the group with possession but we were clueless when it came to creating chances and penetrating even poor defences.

    There were matches where we went a whole half without setting foot in the opposition penalty box or shooting with any purpose. This needs to change under Skibbe.

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  4. Most kits out out by Nike are similar. The Croatia kiy although unique, looks poor.

    The Adidas kit for Hungary is bland too.

    The Greece kit is not offensive. I personally prefer they start winning and could care less what they wear.

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  5. That whole scenario shows what EPO is like. The media has been complicit as well by not asking hard questions. Schuster would have been perfect.

    Tsanas had some success with the youth teams but why persist with his appointment and make that the deal breaker? No professional worth his salt would accept that condition.

    I hope Skibbe figures stuff out or we will continue to see the downward trajectory of the Ethniki.

  6. The players and their enablers at EPO are absolutely responsible for the train wreck post world cup.

    These uninspiring clowns couldn't beat the Faroe Islands or Luxembourg yet they then go back to their top clubs playing Champions League, Serie A, Bundesliga etc.

    It hasn't really been suggested but surely something sinister has been occuring behind the scenes. These guys being paid to lose? Gambling syndicates involved? EPO have some bizarre plan to destroy Greek football?

    In any case we scapegoated Ranieri and to a lesser extent Karagounis although the latter behaved poorly and was never suited to the role he was given.

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  7. 3.5 billion net worth certainly means he is a guy that has some smarts....

    No doubts here. He's not like these pseudo-billionaires like Donald Trump exaggerating his worth or business empire. The guy is richer and more powerful than most would realise.

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