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Posts posted by Akritis_1944

  1. He was NEVER on my list..

    True, you have been consistent with your view of him. I only called for his inclusion based on his form at Astera. Truth is that I never saw much in him. What I have seen of Vellios has impressed me far more compared to Giannou but I wished that Giannou had some pride to be in contention for the Ethniki even though realistically he's probably 5 or 6th at best in his position.

    If he was highly valued at Astera they would never have sold him.

  2. For all the problems Greece has it is still a mile ahead of Australia, no comparison. Fornaroli, Barbarouses and Burns all struggled in Greece but dominate in Australia. Apart from 4-5 sides the A League is nothing. Teams like CCM should have been relegated a long time ago.


    Exactly. These guys you mention are the obvious ones. Especially Fornaroli. He was brought as a "gun" from Sampdoria where he did nothing because Jesualdo Ferreira the PAO coach at the time rated him for some reason.


    Anyway, a year later, everyone at PAO realised that the guy wasn't PAO nor Super League quality and released him and thus saving about 550k euro a year. He then went back to Uruguay where he didn't exactly set that league on fire and eventually makes it to the A-League where he is the first play to reach 20 goals in a season and also he has the record of scoring against every team in a single season.


    The league speaks for itself. The quality of football is about Greek Football League standard at it's best.


    I watched AEK play against Sydney FC and it was a stroll for them. Burns looked a step above the Sydney FC players because his team mates made him look good. At the time Sydney FC were the benchmark in the league too.

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  3. For all the problems Greece has it is still a mile ahead of Australia, no comparison. Fornaroli, Barbarouses and Burns all struggled in Greece but dominate in Australia. Apart from 4-5 sides the A League is nothing. Teams like CCM should have been relegated a long time ago.


    Exactly. These guys you mention are the obvious ones. Especially Fornaroli. He was brought as a "gun" from Sampdoria where he did nothing because Jesualdo Ferreira the PAO coach at the time rated him for some reason.


    Anyway, a year later, everyone at PAO realised that the guy wasn't PAO nor Super League quality and released him and thus saving about 550k euro a year. He then went back to Uruguay where he didn't exactly set that league on fire and eventually makes it to the A-League where he is the first play to reach 20 goals in a season and also he has the record of scoring against every team in a single season.


    The league speaks for itself. The quality of football is about Greek Football League standard at it's best.


    I watched AEK play against Sydney FC and it was a stroll for them. Burns looked a step above the Sydney FC players because his team mates made him look good. At the time Sydney FC were the benchmark in the league too.

  4. For all the problems Greece has it is still a mile ahead of Australia, no comparison. Fornaroli, Barbarouses and Burns all struggled in Greece but dominate in Australia. Apart from 4-5 sides the A League is nothing. Teams like CCM should have been relegated a long time ago.


    Exactly. These guys you mention are the obvious ones. Especially Fornaroli. He was brought as a "gun" from Sampdoria where he did nothing because Jesualdo Ferreira the PAO coach at the time rated him for some reason.


    Anyway, a year later, everyone at PAO realised that the guy wasn't PAO nor Super League quality and released him and thus saving about 550k euro a year. He then went back to Uruguay where he didn't exactly set that league on fire and eventually makes it to the A-League where he is the first play to reach 20 goals in a season and also he has the record of scoring against every team in a single season.


    The league speaks for itself. The quality of football is about Greek Football League standard at it's best.


    I watched AEK play against Sydney FC and it was a stroll for them. Burns looked a step above the Sydney FC players because his team mates made him look good. At the time Sydney FC were the benchmark in the league too.

  5. I hope the team take it seriously and not like the "tourists" who came in 2006 and looked disinterested.

    This is a poor Australia with no star quality. Cahill is 36 yo and essentially a 1 trick pony so I can't see them scoring but forget about the opposition. Will we take it seriously? Will the best and in form players get selected? Does Skibbe have a plan for the upcoming WC qualifiers?

    I hope all these questions get answered in the affirmative.

  6. Now I'm a bit like a few posters here who don't really relate to hip hop as a movement born from urban African neighborhoods of the USA. I only recently accepted the high probability that I'm middle-aged.

    I don't have any negative views on African-Americans. Why should I? I am a product of working class Greek immigrants to Australia. I have traveled to the USA. Driven and walked through the south side of Chicago and LA, Harlem in NY. I have an empathy for anyone who's a victim or who's downtrodden.

    As for music I love American Jazz of the 50s/60s. Most of these ground-breaking and supremely talented musicians were/are African Americans or Afro-Cuban/Hispanics.

    I won't denigrate hip-hop as not being musical or being juvenile and just say it's not for me. I listen to jazz like I mentioned and also really LOVE heavy metal music. Now most people I know view my choice of music as merely noise (the metal stuff).

    I know for certain that the musicians who perform this music are all musically talented and most of them will never make a fraction of the money that hip-hop artists make. That's the difference though; these metal musicians aren't performing/recording their art because it will buy them a mansion or a fleet of fancy cars. It's not a product produced to shift units just so a record company can cream the top and make millions.

    By the way, I am relieved that from what I have seen much of Greece's youth live and breathe heavy metal.

  7. Any one listen to Greek heavy metal (thrash, doom, black, death etc)?

    Some top quality music coming out of Greece. The musical ideas and the ability of many of these bands is world standard.

    I can list 10 bands that are as good as any in their genre.

    The technical guitarists that Greece produces is phenomenal. The drumming of Korinthian George Kollias puts him in the top 2 or 3 of drummers in the world.

    Let me know if you are in to this music. I've become obsessed with hearing new Hellenic stuff.

  8. China, the Middle East and Australia is a grave yard for decent quality players like Mitroglou. He is right to pass on any move. When he's in his early 30s he should consider it.

    If a player like Bruno Fornaroli can be considered the best player to play in the A-League after being a total failure in Greece, then Mitro would score about 30 goals in Australia.

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  9. Every post of his is dripping with that negative Greek mentality. He speaks of Bosnia as if they are Brazil of 1982.

    I'm sick of this backward peasant mentality. Yes, we are in a bad period in the Ethniki's history but constant posts like his is tiring.

    Free to post what he likes but I'm calling dumb irrelevant posts out.

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