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Posts posted by Akritis_1944

  1. Apparently theres probably something to be done, like throwing the blame on the manager. Besides, they are the ones who get the call-ups and inform their players. If he didn't know his shiet, or just used the national teams to give attention to his player *WOOOOW a guy wanted by both Australia and Greek NT must be good!!!*. Apparently the fish fell for it and he got a shiny move to china.

    I almost felt sorry for him last night. He was very bad. Didnt look worthy of being on that stage.

    He's going to be a millionaire I guess so life's good.

  2. The interest and ticket sales is being focused on Greece as a draw card by a lot of bigoted anti-Greeks.

    If the matches are not a sellout or close to, then the failure is on Australia as a team and not Greece.

    So idiots will go watch Bangladesh or Jordan but not a former Euro champion nation?

    Btw I never bothered making the effort back in 2006 to watch the match in Melbourne as I could see that Greek players were here as tourists. I don't get that feeling this time around even if our best 7/8 players aren't playing.

  3. The grass is going to be a mess by Saturday for the match. For anyone who ends up watching it outside of Australia, don't be surprised to see a field with patches of paint and clumps of uneven turf.

    They are playing a sport called Rugby League in the same stadium that Australia v Greece. No country in the world does this.

    So not only is Greece playing with their B team, they have to out up with a pitch that will resemble a horafi.

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