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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Post some of your faves, what your listening to lately or whatever you want. Anyone into Wiley? Some UK or Cypriot posters might be familiar he vacations there a lot for some reason.
    1 point
  2. id like to know as to why Tasoulis was called up by Ranieri. What did he see in him in the first place. I do believe though we now should be playing younger players more often but this player has not done much. I also want to discuss each player in this Euro Qualifying campaign and other players in general from what i know. Also were we are heading in the future. 1st i start with Karnezis. I believe he was not bad but could have done better in this campagin. He is the only decent keeper we have that is playing in a top league. But there were times where i wanted him to not be in the squad because ithing he could have done better in the games especially with the Faroes. Kapino has time still to improve but is not that far off. Glykos is not bad. I think he is better than Vellidis. So for now Karnezis is still the number 1 keeper for the Ethniki. Our right back position is one of my biggest concerns, not because Torosidis cant play because he still can and is good enough to still play but we have no proper back up meaning there are no up and coming Rbs from Greece that can take over Torosidis position in the next 5 years. Kitsiou is good but is noth there physically and defensively. Skondras is slow, Konstantinidis needs more time, and Bakakis is not playing as much as before but is my chosen to player to take over from Torosidis. So for now Torosidis is still the RB. Cbs we have a lot of depth there. Manolas, Sokratis and K.Papapdopoulos have that covered. Aswell as players like OIkonomou coming up and Tzanetopoulos. Siovas is good also. My other concern is who is the new Lb going to be because Holebas is more useful for our attack which i will speak about later. Stafylidis shows potential but is like Kitsiou. Tzavellas is slow but a decent back up. there is no else really this is one of the biggest problems that the Ethniki need to fix. Maybe a new formation is needed such as a 5-3-1-1. Next is the most trickiest. Defensive midfield. This is where Samaris has played most of our games this campaign and is on the most dissapointing players along with Lazaros. He is our only decent option and i am fan of this player but he for some reason he has not done that extra thing where you would think he would do something to save the team. He is a world class contributor in the passing sense but hasnt got the real vision that Tachtsidis has. ive watched a few replays of the Greece games where i watched how Samaris likes to play a simple a pass. A simple is not going to create anything for goal scoring opportunities. The only way your going to creating anything its if you play more riskier passes. For example like the one where Samaris played a nice through ball in the air to Torosidis who delivered a good cross for Aravidis to score against Northern Ireland. Another example is the one Tachtsids played to put MItroglou on through goal against Hungary. The more risker passes we play forward the more opportunities we have. This is why Tziolis should not be in tharting line up. He would be good as a bench option, so when you want to slow the game down when we are leading. If the coach can say this to players like Samaris, Tachtsidis and Petsos more often then our attack is going to look more dangerous. Our attacking mid options are not bad. We have Fortounis, Kone, Mantalos, Pelkas, Ninis and Lazaros. Only 2 of them should play more central. Im talking about Fortounis and Mantalos. Fetfatzidis can play there also. Ninis is also good there but can be used on the wing. Kone can be a good option off the bench. Out of all these players Fortounis should be starting more often. Our wingers should be Holebas he is the only one than can spark something into nothing and create something for a goal scoring chance for himself and for the striker. we seriouly lack natural wingers. Pelkas is closer but is not athletic as Holebas. Maybe Lazaros can play there but if your going to get the same thing with Lazaros such as being selfish then play Fetfatzidis or Pelkas. Mavrias can also be a good winger. Strikers. Mitroglou is going to play more often because he has an eye for goal. He dosent work as hard in runnig wise as to Karelis but all he needs is good service and were good. Vellios should be a back up. Players like DIamantakos and Vergos need more time. Giannou is 3rd in place in my opinion before Vellios. MItroglou needs to show himself more for the ball and run into space more often aswell. This is what my team looks like: Karnezis/Kapino Manolas Sokratis K.Papadopoulos Torosidis/Kitsiou Holebas/Stafylidis Samaris/Tziolis Tachtsidis/Petsos/Maniatis Fortounis/Mantalos Karelis/Kone/Pelkas/Ninis/Fetfatzidis Mitroglou/Vellios This is what my team would look like. The bald are players that start. The formation is 5-3-1-1. Its defensive which is good because im playing to our strengths. It can also become a 3-1-4-2 attack formation with the Torosidis and Holebas pushing up forward giving crosses to the likes of Mitroglou, Kone, Karelis, Tachtsidis even Papadopoulos who can go forward when needed on an occasion to support in the air for crosses as Samaris can cover. This a very balanced team which is being played to our strengths which more importantly is to not concede and we can scrape through against any team with a 1-0 or 2-0 victory. All that matters is that we win.
    1 point
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