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What are your thoughts on Delibasic?

Should he stay or go?

Was he a waste of money and time?

Personally, I say he should go IMMEDIATELY and not fill out the rest of his one year loan spell afrom Braga, he is just a waste of time. He has only scored one goal this season from our 9 matches domestically and for a striker that is unacceptable. He has missed important opportunities for us this year, just to name some:

- Opening game with PAOK at OAKA, missed an open goal with chest

-First game of CL at Milan, missed free header in 7th minute when scores were tied 0-0

-Missed chances in Karaiskaki against Olympiakos this year

Personally, I believe Gekas or even AIlton would have been a better buy as was rumoured in the winter transfer market. Look at Gekas, scoring week in week out with Bochum.

As for physically, Delibasic is also very slow and I believe a bit awkward. He can't even score against palio Chaidari who are in second division and he got 120 minutes to score against 9 men!!!

He has proved he is not worth, I personally would love to see other strikers get a go like Kampatais and Kapetanos and maybe even Manduca as a centre forward.

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First of all it s not Delibasic' fault that we are out of the cup

The main responsability gets Ferrer.. for aligning the substitutes of the subtitutes

Also we loaned him from Real Mallorca and not from Braga

I think his problems are more psycologically than physically or technically...

Any how ... I liked very much Venglisky, who costed us 300k Euro per year...

I m sure this saison with Ferrer, he would have shown even better prestations...

Santos was a stubborn chap...

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I think it is a bit of Delibasic's mentality.

If i am not mistaken, we were trying to get him on loan, but he said no.

Then when he saw us dominate Hearts and win 2-1 away and have a really good chance of the champions league, he said yes.

In my opinion this shows that he does not have the comitment or the passion to play for AEK.

I think it has nothing to do with ability, im sure he has plenty of it, and remember, he has just had two really bad injuries in the last 2 seasons.

Anyway, personally i would prefer to see Kapetanos start, who is young, is Greek and is on our roster rather than being loaned. Manduca is also a good option, i feel he has plenty to offer.

As far as being knocked out of the cup, i would have to disagree with you a bit Nightsurfer. Yes he played Sampanis and clowns like this, but everyone has to have a go at some stage to keep the squads moral up and keep all the players happy.

I wouldnt blame Ferra, i would put it on the players. I dont care who we put on the park that is in our squad, we should be able to beat a 2nd division side any day.

Ferre is not at fault, after all, EVERYONE has been praising him for having balls to play players like Tozer and Hetemaj and Kiriakadis. If we hadnt won those games (like the cup) would everyone be saying what a great move it is???

This is the problem with Greek soccer, no grass roots, and its all about results, not how you play.

Obviously we played poorly in the cup, which i am not happy with, but dont put it all on Ferrer for trying some things.

Anyway, in my opinion Delibasic is surplus to requirements at AEK.

:tup: LONG LIVE AEK :tup:

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So let's disagree on both sides ;)

You can put one Sapanis..., who didn't play since 8 months..... ok

But why Pliatsikas ... and , and , and

Don't underestimate the 2nd Divisions Clubs... they are playing much better than some "Super League" Clubs...

It costed us at least 1 Million Euro all in all... and a lot of Pride and Honour...

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