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GOL TV and Fox Sports World on Comcast

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For anyone who subscribes to Comcast Cable (USA, possibly Canada :unsure: ):

Their website sucks and explains next to nothing towards saying what package "level" one must subscribe to in order to get GOL TV and Fox Sports World. I only have thier basic package and am considering upgrading to digital cable (if it comes with GOL TV and FSW) Anyone with subscription information, cost and programming that both channels have would be greatly appreciated :nw: . Oh yeah, Fox Sports World is becoming Fox Soccer Channel soon isin't it?

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I don't have Comcast, but once in a while I check their channel schedule to see what channels they carry.

As far as I can remember my local Comcast cable carries Fox Soccer Channel as part of their Digital package. They don't carry Gol TV.

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I'm pretty sure Cox Cable and Comcast are different companies. I live over in Annapolis MD and I don't think Cox Cable is avliable where I live (for whatever reason). Though it is awesome that you can easily get those channels at what seems like reasonable prices :o :( . Thanks for the response though. :D :gr:

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