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New PAE PAOK front office


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With all the turmoil going on concerning the new prospective buyers, it should be noted that PAE PAOK has called up a general meeting on February 15, 2005 to elect a new front office.

According to some preliminary reports, the Goumenois/Pagonis duo will recommend that the new front office includes some old time POAKtzides, such as Georgios Koudas, Koulis Apostolidis, Ilias Panteliadis, etc. It is rumored that Georgios Koudas will be recommened for PAE PAOK president. Goumenos is also willing to sell some of "his" shares, but he will still try to hold the majority of shares.

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It would be nice to see Koudas associate himself with PAOK again. Though I would much rather see him do it under an "honourary" position rather than one where he and his reputation could possibly be tarnished by the greedy fools who currently operate the club.

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I'm not so sure that is relevant anymore PAOK 001. I think it's the fans who have more an affinity with the past and the legendary players who used to play. Generally speaking, today's players are more concerned about their own egos and the money. And that is in all sports, not only football.

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Goumenos held another meeting with Koudas and Apostolidis to persuade them to be part of the new board.

In the meantime there are rumors that there is some interest from some Athenian bussinisman, who also has the blessing from the Nea Dimokratia government.

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Well that is just wonderful, the businessmen have the blessing of the gov't.

Give me a break! The last thing I want is for anyone to receive the endorsement of the government. After the way they (gov't) handles the whole Arthro 44 thing and the recent issue with Oly/Panionio, I'd rather they stayed right out of this because they've proven a few times now that they are incompetent fools who just want the status quo.

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