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Ivic = kreas

Stereo Sushi

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the fact is that lybe and tsiartas turned the game......lybe started making runs and tsiartas was involved in most of the build-ups.

ivic for the record missed an easy chance from close range.

and don't forget that it was nails who set up tsiartas for the goal.

you are all giving ivic too much credit.

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some how it is always turned into a bajevic issue by the GAY-roi.

ivic was ok today, but does not offer enough. okkas was playing to far to the left today and was not penetrating at all which left ivic alone several times. we had good supporting players like geo and tsiartas but.....

watch ivic against chalkidona bag 1 or 2 goals. the guy does nothing in the big matches yet bajevic persists.

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some how it is always turned into a bajevic issue by the GAY-roi.

ivic was ok today, but does not offer enough. okkas was playing to far to the left today and was not penetrating at all which left ivic alone several times. we had good supporting players like geo and tsiartas but.....

watch ivic against chalkidona bag 1 or 2 goals. the guy does nothing in the big matches yet bajevic persists.

Maybe you didnt see the highlights against deportivo??? From everything I read and saw, When Ivic came in gave added spark that was needed...

He is a great sub.

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how you managed to turn this topic into a Bajevic issue I dont know....

I must be simple minded for believing that when a player does not and cannot perform and the coach uses him, then the coach is not doing his job well.

So let us reconsider:

If the shortcomings of Ivic are plain to see all the way to Australia, how is it that Bayevits and his assistants cannot see them either during the match or during the practices?

Greece must be the only country where a blind man is considered by many to be the best, coach!

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Bizim Ntemis mis....en iyi Futbolcu oldu Armenistanda... ne diyorsoun abi ?

1. I know a few Turkish words, I do not know Turkish

2. I half-guess that you state that Demis was the best player in Armenia and ask me if I agree (I am not sure if you wrote abi or a^bi but age wise I do qualify for abi).

3. I cannot agree or disagree as I saw only a few minutes worth parts of the match. But my purpose in mentioning Demis was not to belittle him or suggest that a single decision was the sum total of his contribution. I mentioned him so as to strengthen my point that there are some players whose shortcomings we tend to overlook in the same way that there are some whose shortcomings are magnified. It is a fair criticism to state that Ivic has not scored in Europe but it must be balanced by the fact that he has put others in a position to score. Oftentimes, the most important contributor is not the person that punches the ball in.

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2. I half-guess that you state that Demis was the best player in Armenia and ask me if I agree (I am not sure if you wrote abi or a^bi but age wise I do qualify for abi).

Yeah , I wrote that Ntemis was our best player in Armenia ( I saw live the whole game)....... but I meant ..., he was our best Forward....(my Turkish is very limited) although in one situation he was too selfish.. and he could pass to the ready and unmarked Vryzas 5 meters off the goal.

As I understand it.... in Arabic ...or Turkish... "Abi".....is the Nomen for a Person of Respect ....or an elderly brother......... So I think.....ne diyorsun Abi.....means...... What are you saying, Sir (sense) ?

As for Ivic...as a striker you are mainly judged by your Goals..... at least in Europe......

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All it says is this:

One can prove anything one likes provided one has made up his mind and is willing to choose among the available facts the ones that fit the theory.

In this case if you go to a famous Pizzeria.. in town... and you order a Pizza.....

and the very elegant waiter with superbe knowledge of serving.....serves a void plate...... .... you would pay the pizza...and say outside the door.....

"Well, it was no pizza in the plate..... but the service was superbe"....

If you open a bank..... you do it for the profit , isn't it ?

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