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These days of euphoria for Greek football in combination with new Stadiums being built and the Olympics a few days down the road, allow for many things to be done!

It is a huge opportunity for the Greek Government to introduce or apply existing measures and rebuild the shattered Greek Football scene.

Now people want to go to see football, and the political cost will be the lowest they would have to face.

Speed up the building of new grounds...

Work more on security, kick the Hooligans out

Promote good football and good refereeing and stop the unfair setup of one ruller and his followers in a futile battle for predetermined championship battles.

Seize the opportunity!


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On top of that,

Compared to the BBall success in 1987, we can see what mistakes have been done and we have an example.

Basketball did attract good players and large crowds, even some huge successes followed at teams level BUT...

- The teams did not build a strong financial base to allow it to support them without the danger of ruining their chances for future survival (e.g Aris)

- The teams did not invest in a good built environment for their financial benefit and the well being of their team (i.e Stadiums)

- Bad fans from football entred the ranks of basketball fans and hooliganism ruined the good feeling around the sport.

and many more others may know better than me.

Of course the two sports cannot be compared on all things mantioned above. However, lessong learned on glory management in a sport can be valuable!

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