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Anorthosis transfers 09/10


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Well as everyone knows, Mantzios has gone from PAO to Anorthosis. Mantzios scored on his debut today in Ano's 4-1 win versus Salamina.

However, there's news coming out of Cyprus of a BAM!

According to Anorthosis' website, they've agreed terms with Bruno Cheyrou and he'll be signing in the coming days! :tup:

Cheyrou is only 31 years old and I'm still baffled as to how they managed to get him from Rennes. Cheyrou was dubbed the "New Zidane" by Gerard Houllier when he had him at Liverpool. Cheyrou didn't quite live up to the billing but he is a very talented player. He's a deep lying play-maker (ala Pirlo or Basinas) and has played for Lille, Liverpool, Marseille, Bordeaux and Rennes. Just to put this into perspective, Cheyrou is younger than Karagounis for instance. This is a big signing!

At the beginning of the season Delron Buckley also signed and he'll be at the world cup with South Africa :tup:

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