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Posts posted by pash

  1. Just finished watching Daredevil. Every time I think I'm tired of superhero movies/shows, Marvel knocks another one out of the park. A very welcomed change of pace from most superhero flicks, much darker and more violent (almost gruesome) than what we're used to. Fisk might be the best comic book villain I've seen yet.

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  2. What's the relationship of Savvidis' son to the club? Is he being groomed to take some sort of role in its management? I noticed the club tweeting a picture of him with Georgiadis today or yesterday. Might have an effect on any management-level changes we'll be seeing.

  3. Absolutely ridiculous this guy would get a call up over any of our other guys. Vellios over Klaus? Are you kidding me?


    Would rather see Diamantakos over Vellios, but he'd be a DISTANT fourth to Samaras/Mitro/Klaus. Aravidis, needs to show his current form in the first division before I bite.


    I have a cousin who plays in a league at his middle school, maybe we should call him up? He's got swagger, after all.

  4. There are a few more match weeks left. We can still hope to gain enough points on them that we end up with an extra point to start the play offs with. Although I think it would require three consecutive losses on their part (and wins for us) for that to happen.

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