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Posts posted by Dikefale11

  1. Fetfa and Staf would be very good signings, most of our signings this summer (first team wise) have been foreign, which their is nothing wrong with but would be good to add to our Greek talent.


    Unfortunately I cant see either player signing. If they do, they'll be loans.

  2. Yeah i really need that online shop to return, i was in Athens 2 weeks ago but couldn't make it to monastiraki to hit up the AEK shop unfortunately so all i could leave Greece with was a AEK key ring...

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  3. So you have nothing credible to reply in regards to whats been talked about since your last well thought out reply? We like to have civilised in debt discussions on this side of the forum, you clearly dont have the brain capacity to participate so please jog on back to whatever arsehole you crawled out of boy.

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  4. Djalma is a winger,mans idk how good he is. I would rather we go after a different player than get a 28 year old on loan. I want Stafylidis, loan with a resonable option to buy clause would be ideal and our defense would be complete.

    By the looks of things hes a journeyman and s%$#!.

  5. Djalma guy has a terrible record for a striker, if he is a striker!


    Chrisantus attracting interest from Qatar after his showing in the friendly game. Personally I hope we keep him. With a proper pre-season under his belt Im sure he can come good, signing in January is always tough to land on your feet.


    I would welcome Stafylidis too. But doubt he'll come. Unless he follows in the footsteps of his very good friend Velios.

  6. Almost impossible to tell where we will finish, after 1 friendly. Top 3 for sure tho should be our aim, not that it makes a difference from 2-5th as all teams qualify for the stupid play-offs.


    Interesting to see who starts as our CB's. Tzane, Kolo where immense last season, Arzo wont be able to just walk into the 11ada easily.

  7. Id rather play Galo at LB if we are going to need great crosses for that formation as Soiledis cant cross a finish line.


    I like all 3 formations, not sure if Vargas will not be used as much tho tbh, think he will be key for us.


    I lie the first one the most how and ever. The 2nd one will be handy when we are looking to hold out for the lead. And then the 3rd when we are going all out to get the goal.

  8. Cant really be impressed or unimpressed until you see them play IMO, just because theyre not household names doesnt mean they arent good, lets see how they do first before we judge.

    We are a newly promoted team regardless of us being AEK or not and in Greece, not a very popular destination for footballers at the moment considering the state the country is in and the alegations of corruption in the league all over the media.

  9. I remember him from his days at Malaga but seems to have not settled anywhere, not exactly sure how good he is, I do know he's quite skillful, very very short tho, 5"2, along with Platellas on the wing we would have possibly the shortest wingers in Europe. 

  10. So as it stands;









    Still need a GK and either RW/LW of good quality and possibly another ST



    Are any players going to be sold? Rovas? Petavrakis? Grontis? Brecevic? Faye? Dounis?  Zoric? Sarris? Surely one of the GK's Vouras or Dounis.

  11. A question none of us is able to answer.

    Who knows but he should be more than capable for the SL.

    Only question is who does he replace, Kolovetsios or Tzane? I have a feeling it will be the latter.

  12. 16 the year before. 


    Risky move but could be worth the risk....is what I would be saying if it was any other club but Liverpool have spent huge amounts on players that are not well known and that has not worked out well.


    See what happens, could link up nicely with Coutinho.

  13. I dont get why reporters come up with bullshit names out of the blue, at the end of the day its them that look like the idiots.


    Sure they need to sell papers but coming up with complete and utter crap makes them look like fools that cant do their job.

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