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Posts posted by Dikefale11

  1. Yeah everyone is just making up these allegations for the sake of it.....................

    Heroin smuggler.

  2. Your president is a Heroin smuggler, you type his name into google and the only links are in relation to corruption.


    Mel is a saint compared to the stomach.



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  3. Not too bothered about the 3-0, no point wasting precious gasoline at this late stage of the rounds, 3-0 up and the win in the pocket, save the gas for the remaining games and the play-offs.

    Any word on the injuries, hopefilly Kolo is not a long term injury.

    Bravo to Aravas and Diego.

  4. True both sides were poor, however like I said its a derby, performance isnt the number one objective, the result is. We took our chance from a very good free kick from Vargas. Pao besides Kaltsas' effort did not create much either.

    Simoes played a great ball up to Aravidis who took it down nicely, but Vargas sky'd it.

  5. I dont knownhe seems to love Arzo, hopefully with Tzane back now he might eat some bench, unlikely tho.

    Simoes once again was Man of he match for us, guy is a god. Im sure Santos was keeping an eye on him.

  6. BOOM

    +7 and a bug statement going into the playoffs.

    Nowhere near a good performance from either team tbh, at the end of the day on a derby you'd take the result over performance 10 times over, bravo tou the boys and nice to see Tzanetopoulos back in the team.

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