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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2023 in all areas

  1. I agree on your first point, those cases as well as other across the world are clearly the player seeing an opportunity to play international football and potentially go to a major tournament. While a bit of a joke, until FIFA alter their rules this will continue to happen. The 2nd point here I strongly disagree with. A national team should demonstrate a nations' ability to produce footballers. While of course there is room for players who are ethnically from that nation but have grown up somewhere else I disagree with what a national team should be. Messi almost played for Spain, because he had been there from 13. Again wouldn't be the first time that happened. It is also very rare that it happens so I don't think it's a pandemic or anything to fret about. Clubs don't go about signing youth players in the hope of strengthening their NT, they care about number one, themselves. As you said Athens, we have to agree to disagree. Nothing wrong with that mate!?
    1 point
  2. https://www.gazzetta.gr/football/prokrimatika-euro/2275933/ta-highlights-toy-konstantelia-sto-ellada-nea-zilandia-2-0-vid
    1 point
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