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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2017 in all areas

  1. I said, As to the dance around the issues, some people are conservative first. The rest is finding ways to attack their opponents. If you are a conservative, you are religious; you have archaic ideas about gender roles; you're uptight about anything sexual; you don't like individual choice if it's not what you do; you place law and order above fairness, tolerance and diversity. And, and you believe in myths,from religion to the American dream that everyone has equal access to opportunity, and that blacks had it better under slavery. I stand by it, and you're saying absolutely nothing to dispute it. You are a conservative above all, with the traits above. I am not doing what conservatives are doing, not by a long shot. I'm allowing you to have individual choice, live your life the way you seem fit, believe whatever you want, disagree with me, have a subservient wife, observe your religious laws, and have discussions with your god. I don't care. Who's fighting to prevent individual choice? Who's fighting against freedom of conscience? heh? But, I do care when you, and other religious, conservatives want the rest of us to do the same or stand by when your ilk wants take the country back to the dark ages. But, what's new? This has always been the case with conservatives and the religious nuts who are hell-bent in forcefully saving us from hell. Thanks but no thanks.
    3 points
  2. Surely, you can't be serious about Western values resting on Judeo-Christian values... Unless, you, like other Xtian apologists pick and choose certain passages to justify what you want at the time. I could find you other passages in the holy book that contradict whatever you find, which is also a strong indication that the Bible was written by several men over long time, with lots of disagreements about important events and details. Xtian Tolerance? Com'on, dude. Anyone even with a shallow knowledge of history knows how vicious, murderous, bloodthirsty the Church has been. It comes all smiles today, because it wants us to forget the past, and because it has given so much in terms of power. It's the Enlightenment (Age of Reason) that gave the west it's humanistic face, with tolerance, individual choice--which includes the right of free worship or no worship--freedom of expression, etc. while being fought tooth and nail by the church. And, yes, it mattered (still does) how the vast majority of the faithful and their leaders understand their religion and practice it. Capitalism? It was the liberals (like Adam Smith), children of the Enlightenment, who in promoting individual rights also advocated for ind. economic rights. The Church for centuries was exploiting the people (serfs) often as the largest landlord under feudalism. So it was against capitalism or any system that would life the people out of poverty and ignorance. (I wonder why...) Even until the 18th c.the Catholic Church condemned capitalism as evil. Only the Calvinists (Protestant "ethic") were very capitalistic, because they believed God had chosen them to be successful (how convenient). Sorry, buddy, but you managed to pack so many inaccuracies (alternative facts?) in a couple short paragraphs. Remarkable.
    3 points
  3. Would you be saying the same if it were two heteros doing it? If so, then it's common decency that says there's a time and place for certain activities. It's not about being a conservative. But, a conservative wants to preserve the old traditions and way of life, you know, when blacks, women, homosexuals, etc, knew "their place." As Valentine's Day approaches, it's fitting to remember the Loving case. This bi-racial couple wasn't even allowed to hold hands because conservatives found it so abhorrent. I know you're not like that (one of the most reasonable people here), but I just wanted to interject some perspective here.
    2 points
  4. Human beings aren't rational, in the sense of knowing how to use facts and reason a course of action, especially when it comes to their emotional investments. With the Reform Acts in the second part of the 19th c and early 20th c., Britain allowed the working-class people to vote. Initially the Tories (conservatives) panicked because they thought the working class wouldn't possibly vote for a party that was openly for the elites (economic and social) and a rigid social structure. But, they soon learned that people would absolutely vote against their economic interests even if they could not afford to do so. Why?... Because, the cons would sell them religion, patriotism, tradition, law and order, and a myth of "anyone and everyone can get ahead" if they played by the rules. Of course, if everyone could indeed get ahead, it'd wouldn't be in the system that was in place.
    1 point
  5. The Protestant Reformation (16th c) split the Church again after the Cathol-Ortho split earlier. It's worth noting the barbaric treatment Xtians had for each other, even though some posters above would like us to believe the Church promoted a religion of peace. I recommend everyone listen to Dan Carlin's "Prophets of Doom" (free podcast) to get a sense of the time following Luther's proclamation. Perhaps those who don't like to read could give this audiobook a try.
    1 point
  6. Most posters know that both sites exists. If they want to be on both forums they can be. I only caught the tail end of the greeksoccer.com "schism" and I can tell you if anything like that starts up here posters would be banned in short order. greeksoccer.com had a lot of cool posters but the mud-slinging was next level s%$#!. As far as groups of fans, for me, all were to blame. The wise ones usually just kept out of it and ignored it because really it was all farcical and petty. The way everything has panned out is probably for the best.
    1 point
  7. yesterday he was being used as left winger and he did a good job although his team lost 2-0. later on in the match he was switched back to left back. for the people who dont know german ratings , Note 1 is best and Note 6 is the worst. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.augsburger-allgemeine.de%2Fsport%2Ffc-augsburg%2FWieder-keine-Punkte-in-Mainz-Die-Spieler-in-der-Einzelkritik-id40498536.html&edit-text=&act=url
    1 point
  8. For the Aussies here...PAOK v Schalke, BEIN sports 2, 11:20 - 13:10
    1 point
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