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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Lambrou is business of a big club. Buy all the youngsters around you and show you have the financial capacity to be anbig club. Its a gamble but its better buying young prospects every year and if they make it they make it. Simple
    1 point
  2. Saw this topic in the Oly forum and thought it would be a good idea given how slow things are in the winter break. Name your favorite/best players that have worn the yellow and lback. Here's mine. Tough to shoehorn in some players. This is just off the top of my head. -------------------Nikolaidis------------- ----Scocco--------Lymbe--------Rivaldo------- ---------Katsouranis-------Zagorakis------ ----Kasapis-----Dellas-------Sokratis------Borbokis ---------------------Sorrentino--------- Subs: Atmatsidis, Manolas (both uncle and nephew but I'll give them one slot), Georgeas (for his heart) Zikos, Julio Cesar, Blanco, Mavros (never saw him play but a legend) Manager: Santos Tough to leave out some sentimental favorites like Cirillo, Alves, Kapsis, Gamarra, Lakis (he kind of sucked but I liked him), Soares (remember him?). I'm sure I'm forgetting many, many more. I think the only guy in the current squad who is anywhere near this list is Mantalos. I believe he has the potential to be a talisman for this club if we can get the right pieces around him. a very talented player.
    1 point
  3. You guys have had some quality over the year. This would be roughly my team too. Although I loved Nikopolidis in his prime, even with the gaffes. Hard on Rivaldo to ride the bench. I particularly loved Djole's approach to the game. Very professional. And i enjoyed watching crazy castillo play, although he doesn't belong on this list
    1 point
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