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rofl Im from Crete

this is all I can say about the quality of you posts in this thread:  :nw:  :nw:  :nw:

You speak of intelligence, get you cant even string a sentence together in english.....

its YOUR not YOU.... ilithio :LOL:

Quality of posts??? hahahahahahahhaa everything you say is a joke.... noone takes anything you say with any seriousness.... your a little south melbourne hooligan who use to sit behind the goals and think he was top s%$#!!

Grow a brain m#$%!!!!

As for being from Crete... as i tell a friend of mine who is also from there...

ur nothing but Voithia... the lot of u :LOL:

Now shut the ###### up and learn how to spell :)

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Guest Protathlitis7

PAO have always been the best supported club in Greece.


please even your number one fan on this forum elastonpappou admits when it comes to turning up to games and supporting the team OSFP fans are the better fans. well done for pointing out about rizoupoli and the 85 season I guess thats case closed and renders things such as pao having the record lowest attendance in CL and getting 7k to a league game (WHICH IS THE GAME THIS THREAD IS ABOUT). winning arguments? :whistle:


ahhhhhhh reeeeeeeee kota

Id just settle down if I were you princess. I mean its all well and good to jump up and down and attempt to insult me on an internet forum over nothing

I mean seriously you xwriati you havent added ONE peice of constructed argument to this thread and instead have got your panties in a twist just because I had one little joke about you personally in one post you have gone nuts

just settle down mate. its only the internet hun :whistle:

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Ok sweetie, I wouldn't want to hurt your delicate feelings.

But you have trully lost the plot. You can't even read my posts properly. The fact that PAO have had THE BIGGEST crowd in the history of Greek domestic football passes you by, like the previous 12 years of your life :)

Stop s*****g those thick c*****s and conncentrate dude, it must be a habit you picked up down under :LOL:

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Guest Protathlitis7

you complete #$$#@*& idiot the second half of my post was referring to TRIFILARA. because of him getting so upset about a little joke earlier in the thread

the first part of my post was for you. obviously you did NOT read that properly either. otherwise you would have responded to it. :LOL: and Im not doubting you got the biggest crowd once. It would have been a very big game..im talking about your fickleness

pao fans admit it about the fickleness and theats why you have a reputation for it

and the down under comment :tup: is that why you british move down here in droves you little english floro

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Guest Protathlitis7

just out of interest cupcake, what is the biggest crowd your talking about?

was it a sold out OAKA? if so are you saying OSFP have never sold out OAKA :1eye:

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you complete #$$#@*& idiot the second half of my post was referring to TRIFILARA. because of him getting so upset about a little joke earlier in the thread

the first part of my post was for you. obviously you did NOT read that properly either. otherwise you would have responded to it. :LOL: and Im not doubting you got the biggest crowd once. It would have been a very big game..im talking about your fickleness

pao fans admit it about the fickleness and theats why you have a reputation for it

and the down under comment :tup: is that why you british move down here in droves you little english floro


I am not the one searching the internet for gates and attendances. That's your job. I don't recall what the exact number was in 1985, suffice to say IT WAS the biggest for the history of Greek domestic football.

As for the fickleness comment, yeah right as if Oly fans have ALWAYS sold out the ground where they played...bah...where were you during the petrina xrwnia of the early 90s?

And for the 'you British' comment :LOL:

The brits visit the colonials down under to teach ex cons some much needed manners :P

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Guest Protathlitis7


One last time you imbecile:

we dont always sell out because no club in europe does! but we turn up a hell of a lot more often than your fans do. where is elastonpappou these days anyway?yeah researching :LOL: its not hard. just follow the link and wait for it to load without getting impatient and banging your keyboard: www.supersport.gr

and I repeat. what was this supposed highest attendence? A sold out OAKA? :rolleyes: And I bet noone else sellout OAKA that year :1eye:

and actually the english floroi live here. as in they moved from your island country. theres are campaign to deport them along with the pakis :P

one word for you gay english and your "British" Museum:

E.O.K.A :) :P

let me guess did you go through the famous british public school system panos. what did the headmaster do to you to make you like this? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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Ouch, that hurt....

bah... :LOL:

You need to do alot better than that, colonial boy, if you want to sound remotely smart.

You refer to 'Pakis', but remind us again, what is the degrading word Aussies use to refer to Greeks? Wogs is it? I don't know so tell us please what it is they call you over there. It must have affected you!

Good to see though that it hasn't dampened your wannabe Aussie spirit :)

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Guest Protathlitis7

Ouch, that hurt....

I bet it did... damn british public school system :P :P :P

pffff hahah ouf that hurt

trust me you want to come and live as a Greek in Australia. Its great. You english floroi would see what its like for us Greek aussies to have the pick of any anglo bird you want :tup:

hahah 'wog' :whistle:

Grivas is one of my heroes is he one of yours too?

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