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The exclusive rights to Alpha tv is a group from Chicago and there one year contract runs out on the end of the year , Unitel Hellas is trying hart to get Alpha tv but nothing ha pend yet stay tune.

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Sup guys ,

To answer Ziakas question NO.....ALPHA SAT is not only available in Europe based on there website. If you click on the link you will see that they can also see it in Asia through the same sattelite INTELSAT 702 they also have a cute name for it "ALPHA XOPIS SYNOPA" they call it!!!! Whell they left US out... . So what they did is pick a Satellite in that region that had the capability to servise 2 continents leaving us out here in N America!!! It sucks man but guess we have to deal with it for know. I've send those f*ckers almost 5 e-mails already....I copy and paste , copy and paste eventualy they'll take a minute of there busy time drinking frappe to reply..........

If you go to there site alphatv click on "ALPHA XOPIS SYNORA" and e-mail master@alphatv.gr bust there balls. If they get the idea that we want it they will do it. At least a owe us a reply dont you think!!!

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