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Greek Games in the USA via Satellite?

Guest sjcallas

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Guest sjcallas

Is there a way for me to get Greek sports via satellite? I would like to promote Greek soccer, basketball, etc at my sports bar, but i have no way of getting the Greek games. I know there is a service out there that offers this for $1000 a game... thats a rip off!!! I was wondering if there was any other way to get the Greek games via satellite. Maybe a bigger sattelite? Perhaps there is a service like Dish Network or Nova that offers this? Anyone know? Thanks!

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The "rip-off" you are talking about are the games through Setanta Sports and Teleantenna Sports. The games they carry are exclusive to them, and unfortunately nobody else in North America carries them. The games carried by those two companies are the Greek national team games and Champions League games featuring the Greek teams.

The other option for you would be to get a commercial (not residential) subscription to Dishnetwork, which carries 3 Greek satellite television channels (Antenna satellite, ERT-Sat and Mega Cosmos) and 3 Greek radio stations (ERA Sport, ERA-5 and Radio Greece).

Of the three TV stations Antenna Satellite carries the Olympiakos home games, and ERT-Sat carries home games of selected teams as well as Greek Cup games. ERT-Sat also carries basketball games as well as some lesser sports.

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