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Ftafix and Ftafix issues again.

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There is a lot going on about this site. 99% of this forum are calling it a scam while a big percentage of this has already paid and lost money without receiving what they've been promised. Please feel free to post your experience, keep it polite and don't accuse anyone. Not yet.


I am glad you are still around.

Lets make some things clear here. When some_site went on air we were all thrilled that some guy was smarter than we were. We were very happy that this guy could give us the option to watch a game of greek interest that we would not able to do by ourselves.

I don't know how many people signed up the days before the TUR-GRE game but nobody was able to watch it in your site. You were probably experiencing technical difficulties since you are still trying to fine tune everything there but the damage is done. People don't believe you any more.

If you give hope to the Greeks they'll buy you lunch. If you mislead them, if you cheat them, they'll burn your house.

I am one of the desperate myself. I don't have the luxury to run in a sports bar like many others that live in big cities have and watch the game. The reason that I haven't signed up for your services yet is because you haven't offered me anything that I can't find by myself. Restreaming or redirecting to channel that is available for free in the net is not the solution . The only available through some_site channels are the ones that are being listed in many many others for free.

If you can:

1. Bring here a couple of guys who will be able to verify that they watched GRE-UKR acceptably (need to be known and respectable members, not first time posters)

2. Start streaming MEGA, NET, ANT, ALPHA, SUPERSPORT with the live greek program (especially during sport events hours)

3. Broadcast soccer events of greek interest that they are nowhere else available (like the GRE-UKR game today)

Then, myself and fifty (yes 50) more guys will be your first members and your best advertisment all over the net.

What we need is live programming from a source in Greece. And that's what myself and a few selective guys from here are trying to make. Almost everyone has satellite tv at home and paying for the three (or four with Alter) free channels are worthless.

Gastone_1978 (a new member but very very active and helpful here) put up a web site with hundreds of working tv links, forums and a chat room giving private membership to people that would like to join. Free. No charge. Nada. And he is spending time away from his family, work and personal life just to keep up with these links so people can step in there and have an option to watch their favorite team. That's what I call help! But you know what? All these links that he collected and included in his site are still free and available all over the net so he is not charging anything for that although he should ask for compensation of his hard work.

Believe me, we had a great time in his site today. A few friends were able to enjoy the game like we were in the stadium! And he is not charging for that!

The Confederations Cup tournament will be available very widely in the web (not to mention the satellite and cable tv). So it won't be a good time to judge the quality and reliability of some_site's services. If you can satisfy ANY (not necessarily all) of the above three terms I would be glad to help you make money from this business (because the bottom line of this story is making money, isn't it?, otherwise everything would have been for free). If you can't, please don't bother to answer to this topic. I am sure you can grab a few lunch money somewhere else.

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This is mainly directed at untouch:

"Since the site you are promoting is a for-profit business we will not allow any more free promotion and plug-ins for your site coming from you. If you wish to advertise your site in these forums or elsewhere on Phantis, please contact the people responsible for advertising."

General discussion about some_site is ok, but direct promotion for the site will not be tolerated.

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I actually found the site and gave it a shot,  after i watched the first game I was pleased.  So i sent Bobby a PM and asked him if i help him promote the site, if he would make me an admin and give me a Full Free Pass for all the games,  and this is how I became the promoter.  lopopo  are you trying to say something ? and for the guy above,  might be a well known link for you but i saw a few people looking for the argentina vs brazil game, so i gave them the link.  I didnt see you ruuning to this forum to provide them with the link.

At this point, the only way anybody can believe you can provide a connection worth watching, will be for you guys to provide a few free viewings of a soccer game, or other event, that is not readily available on the web, so that all of us, can verify the quality of your operation.

Sites that provide low quality connections are a dime a dozen.

If I am to pay $$ to watch an event I would expect fluid video delivery.

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