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I never want to see that again.....

Original Melbourne 21

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Relax, I am an AEK fan, but i have no problem with geo wearing an AEK shirt, if he's exchanged it after the match.

Arguements like this are why only AEK fans could go to the derby.

Fanaticalism, it doesnt help the game in greece :angry:

You dont see Arsenal and Man United fans stabbing each other.

Just like when Dusan left, AEK fans were very unhappy he went to Oly.

But remember AEK fans are the reason why he left, and he is a coach and must move on, and good for him for going back.

Remember, two neighbours argued over the fence, then it turned into WW3.

Original, you need to calm down a bit.

Good job to AEK, and all the best to Oly and Pao in the champs league hopefully both qualify so Greece gets 3 spots in the Champions League again( its only 2 spots for next year).

:tup: LONG LIVE AEK :tup:

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well fanatisicm doesnt help the game your right in that aspect but also swapping shirts with ppl like georgatos or any other player who doesnt respect anything ( as his shown everywhere he goes the karaflo) shows disrespect to the aek shirt which is probably what om21 and maybe most aek fans would be upset about. i surely was and for media purposes it does stink abit.

im all for swapping shirts after game handshakes etc but sometimes u just dont do that to some players. georgatos is one and there are many more as well.

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You dont see Arsenal and Man United fans stabbing each other.

You need to get out more........with all due respect. Dont think violence doesnt happen in England....

That piece of s%$#! has no respect for anything or anyone......I was embarassed he represented us for 2 years and I was embarassed to see him wearing our top.

But remember AEK fans are the reason why he left

Do we need to go through this again? The story is done and told.....

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Ok, sorry, i see where your coming from.

AEK fans arguing over something so small.

Lets just forget this, and get behind AEK who are doing a great job this season.

Sorry if i offended ;)

:tup: LONG LIVE AEK :tup:

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