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Posts posted by Ellada2004

  1. On 5/9/2024 at 5:13 PM, Dutch Eagle said:

    And gone .....


    He started of well and got us the NL top spot but he failed miserably when it counted the most vs Georgia. Poyet was at the helm for the most disappointing loss in Ethniki history! He can go coach some loser English team in a lower division. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, J1078 said:

    I'm with you man. He had so much time to prepare for Georgia, what's even more concerning is this to me was one of the worst performances I've seen under Poyet In a must win game. He hasn't done a good enough job to warrant a stay. He did the same thing in Holland when we got smoked 3-0 in a huge game for us in our fight for 2nd. Yes in between he does have the team pull off some good performances and did build some unity with the team but it means nothing when you lose to teams like Georgia to make the Euros.

    I'm done with seeing guys like Pelkas on the wing when we have so much better options, Or even guys like Mantalos.  Bakasetas i can't really say anything negative as he's been our leading scorer and plays with heart but he can only give you so much and i think Poyet is asking him to do more than he's capable of. I'm not confident in a new coach either anymore as it just seems everyone that takes the job just keeps recycling the same players and hoping for a different result. Bottom line Poyet had one of his worst performances as a coach in the biggest game this team has had in years and he has failed. He needs to go.

    For sure he could have lost the last match to France or both too Holland. It’s great that we tied France but when you have one game to beat Georgia to go to the Euros you have to win it end of story! 
    Bakasetas has been much better under Poyet but did he even break a sweat last game I didn’t see it. Also taking a pen is what he excels at and he hit one of the worst penalties. Mantalos time is up too I think he should retire even though he was better than Bakasetas & Kourbelis vs Georgia. That midfield was crap until Siopis came in and made things happen. Still why did Poyet not play Konstantelias as the 10 instead of throwing him on the wing were he we did not touch the ball for long periods of time? We are talking about fing Georgia here not France or Spain. Let him go and take them on with his dribbling and creativity. Also no Tzolis wtf??  He is not as good as Pelkas? No Douvikas but Giakoumakis plays? Also subbing out Ioanidis for Giakoumakis I did not like for looming penalties and we saw what happened. No Pavlidis in either match who leads Dutch league in goals? 
    Enough of all these clowns since Santos left! This is the most disappointing loss in our history! Things have to change! 

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  3. 5 hours ago, J1078 said:

    Apparently reports are that Poyet has rejected the job with the republic of Ireland and wants to stay with the Ethniki. 

    He should have taken it seeing how obsessed he is with Ireland recently. They were apparently willing to give Poyet a 5yr contract? He did some positive things for Greece but he was unable to beat Georgia after having months to prepare for this fixture. It is a huge failure, the most disappointing loss I can ever remember since watching the Ethniki. Exo Poyet! 

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  4. 12 hours ago, Brklyngrk said:

    So who would the new coach be?

    I’m hearing Jovanovich, Garcia & Sampoli in the conversation. The last two should be no where near the Ethniki. Jovanovich could work to build something from near scratch as he did at PAO.  He speaks Greek and knows Greek football well. I would prefer a Greek coach. I wanted Donis prior to Poyet being hired but I do not think he’s interested. Anyways it’s hard to think about that now with our Euro qualification down the drain.

  5. 6 hours ago, Brklyngrk said:

    Poland almost lost as well, game came down to penalties. 

    Georgia was playing more defensive, trying to hit us on the counter.  We got gassed and then penalties happened. We had an off game, nothing else to say.  We just couldn't connect. Feels terrible. 

    I think every single one on this thread would have picked the same line-up from the last match.  Kostantellias played almost 60 minutes. Tzolis could have helped but for who?  He had to replace most of the back line bc of their cards/couldn't go on.  Half our subs were the backline. You have three more subs, you replace Pelkas (made sense), you replace Ionnidis (he couldn't go on) and then the last one is the one that is questionable, but who would it have been that would have made a difference? I guess Pavlidis instead of Giakoumakis but that is a 50/50 choice....

    They didn't have it today - plain and simple.

    Watched the game and Poland did not register a SOG for 120 minutes. Wales were the much better side for the whole match and we’re going for the win.  Polands performance was worse than ours and Georgia but their penalties were excellent and well taken. 

  6. 5 hours ago, J1078 said:

    Anyways you look at it this is a massive failure.

    Big failure! I said it come out hard and determined in the first 20mins like we did vs Kazakhstan and the game would be over. Poyet fed it up and his subs were late and he only decided to make a change to the struggling midfield only when Kourbelis got injured? He brought on Konstantelias but he should have come on at half time Pelkas offered nothing. Where was Tzolis??

    how I miss the days of Otto & Santos when they knew how to read the game and adjust. Poyet pulled a JVS yesterday and was scared to take the match to Georgia!

  7. 6 hours ago, DiogenesLight said:

    Personally I think the team has an identity crisis: 
    We no longer have the "tsabouka" to be able to grind out 1-0 victories against all comers, as we did under Santos, and we definitely don't have the skill or killer instinct to take out a team like Georgia on our own terms....it's a loser mentality we are battling against.
    When you go out and show no urgency or determination as a team, you put yourself in a position to lose. Konstadelias, Fortounis, Tzolis, bla bla bla....none of them made or would have made a difference. The game was physical and we couldn't get past a group of mostly mediocre players, because that's what we have as well, only now we get shoved around way too easily. It was a game where everyone should have come out with both barrels blazing instead we reverted to the side/back passing and hesitation, where we looked like we were in need of a diaper change.
    The blame is mostly on the players because I'm pretty sure Poyet did not ask them to play like this. I imagine he told them to be careful with Kvaratskhelia and be careful not to get exposed on the counter but 1 chance in 120 min of football against Georgia is ridiculous. On a plus, this should be the end of the line for Tzavellas as he is simply taking up space. 
    This being said, I am pretty sure Poyet will be gone, as EPO already tried to undermine him earlier and they are rubbing their hands getting ready for some kickbacks when they bring in the next sucker. There was an improvement again, just like under Van T'Schipp, but when the chips were down, the team fell flat on their faces. I don't think this can be fixed just by changing managers.

    Greece have the players to go to tournaments the problem is the last few managers leave them off the squad or force them into early retirement!

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  8. 4 hours ago, Dean97 said:

    All I want to say is that we had 1 more match to win to make the tournament and they failed to do that. Smashing Kazakhstan 5-0 is great but it’s inexcusable to not beat a team like Georgia. 

    Just to point out:

    - Tzolis 20 goals this season 

    - Pavlidis top scorer in holland

    - Goutas and Siopis play weekly in the championship

    - Pelkas only played 5 games this season 

    - Konstantelias best player with the ball and plays every week doesn’t start 

    Core players like Bakasetas, Mantalos, Kourbelis and Pelkas have to be replaced. There is a core in this group that are not capable of taking Greece to the next level. Next coach has to see that. 

    Defence and keeper did there job’s in both games. Can’t fault them for today’s loss. Questions have to be asked about the midfielders and attackers. 

    Spot on Dean everything you said! Greece had to score 1 goal and failed to do so to win this match its Georgia an average country but definitely not France or Holland to be afraid of.  Our defence was fine but Poyet did not react in time too address the midfield until Kourbelis got injured then when Siopis came on we were much better. He had to make changes right at Halftime! No minutes for Tzolis what a joke! No Douvikas? Fortounis not good enough to play in this midfield? Left out of the loop because AEK have major control over EPO and Poyet. Tzavellas WTF is he doing there I thought he retired? Plus he gets a red card on sideline.
    One game vs Georgia. With  Otto or Santos it would have been a done deal. Poyet failed we should be at Euros. Now he can go take some job in crappy England or the Ireland NT. 

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  9. 30 minutes ago, Greekoz said:

    To be honest i thought they had better chances. Despite willing to give us possesion they looked more threatening running at us. Vlachodimos made 2 point blank saves. The Bakasetas shot for eg isnt really a chance, we had the header and thats it, unforgiveable to create so little in 120 minutes.

    Im not bothered by the penalty shootout, once you reach that point you're depending on a coin flip. Our job was to win this before then and we failed.

    Personally i wouldnt have had Giakoumakis take a penalty, his record from the spot was very patchy at Celtic and i can recall him missing for Atlanta as well. That said you'd put your life savings on Bakasetas and he was denied.

    We should have come out with more urgency we have Georgia to much respect like they are France or Spain. Kevartsvillia had a few runs at us but he did not hit the target with any shots and our backs and Masouras did a good job containing him. 
    I think Poyet should have kept Ionanidis in with penalties looming. Bakasetas pen was his worst ever with the NT he usually smashes them in. Also I would have liked to see Poyet take a chance and sub Paschalakis in as he is a good penalty stopper. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Greek Style said:

    I think we played well enough to win though. Pelkas was very good v Kazahkstan as was Kourbelis. In the end we had the best chance with Mavropanos header and we didn't take it. Manager can only do so much.


    Seriously Tsimikas is complete rubbish Im sorry with his basic skill errors he was by far our worst out there tonight.


    Vlachodimos could not get close to any of their penalties and they were all weak penalties. He has a lot to answer for as well.

    I agree with you on Tsimikas what a horrible performance. Many of his crosses were pathetic except one to Ioanidis who could not get a head on too. Gave the ball away cheaply as well. Vlachodimos I thought would save one of those pens, very disappointing. 

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  11. 11 minutes ago, J1078 said:

    We should’ve been able to play our B lineup and beat a team like Georgia, I didn’t see anybody complaining when we  spanked Kazakhstan 5-0 with that exact same lineup. Am I happy with Poyet  selections? No, Do I think he’s the sole person to blame? No I don’t because not one coach in the last 12 years could figure it out with the players you’ve named above. Personally, I don’t care if he stays or goes he didn’t take us to the euros so he probably should go.  

    Poyet has done a good job overall but today he messed it up and we could have used Fortounis cutting edge in the midfield. We came  out strong vs France best team in the world and score 2 goals. This game vs an average team our team was timid from the start not like last game we’re they came out so strong.  Bakasetas was playing to deep to give passes to the strikers. In the penalties it’s 50/50 but Bakasetas hits one of the worst penalties ever and Giakoumakis misses the target. We lose with Kvaratskhelia not even taking a penalty. 

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  12. Just now, J1078 said:

    Terrible first half by us in the biggest game. We are playing scared and afraid to attack as a unit and they catch us on the counter.. Georgia had the better chance to score in the first. Poyet can’t have his guys come out the same way in the 2nd.. 


    Agree too we are to timid. Need to be more direct! Need konstantelias or Tzolis to come on!

  13. On 3/23/2024 at 6:05 PM, J1078 said:

    Boys this game isn't going to be easy. That stadium is going to be electric and the Georgian team is looking to make history in front of there fans. They sold out the entire stadium in 5 hours 54K. Greece needs to try and get an early goal to take the crowd out of it early. its going to be a tough game.


    Αμόκ στη Γεωργία για το ματς της ιστορίας της: Σε πέντε ώρες εξαντλήθηκαν τα 54.000 εισιτήρια για τον τελικό πρόκρισης στο Euro 2024 με την Ελλάδα (sport24.gr)

    If Greece come out and perform as they did vs Kazakhstan I can see us being up 2 goals by halftime. We have the better eleven overall. Go 🇬🇷 

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