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Greek Style

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Everything posted by Greek Style

  1. I echo this sentiment. Poyet a breath of fresh air. At least the team is united and plays with a strong spirit.
  2. Ioannidis was completely spent no way he could stay on. He worked so hard vs three centre backs. Same can be said for Bakasetas, his penalty was that of a tired man. With the benefit of hindsight, we really should've rested players when we went 4-0 vs Kazhakstan at half time. The game was over.
  3. I think we played well enough to win though. Pelkas was very good v Kazahkstan as was Kourbelis. In the end we had the best chance with Mavropanos header and we didn't take it. Manager can only do so much. Let me ask you a question. If Mavropanos header goes in does that change everything you said about Poyet? It really is a game of inches. Seriously Tsimikas is complete rubbish Im sorry with his basic skill errors he was by far our worst out there tonight. Vlachodimos could not get close to any of their penalties and they were all weak penalties. He has a lot to answer for as well.
  4. Big problems at the back. Mavropanos is a mistake waiting to happen and Tsimikas needs to stop prancing around like he's some sort of billionaire. Yeah we get it you play for Liverpool but play for us like you're playing for Liverpool, not that flairish BS he produced the other night. Karhavatskellia is world class. He will create plenty of chances for them and is probably the only thing in our way to qualifying. Need to get an early goal and silence the crowd and most definitely dont go defensive like we did vs Holland.
  5. I think if we cant win a playoff against any of those teams we really don't deserve to be there anyway.
  6. This. How dangerous did we look in the final minutes actually playing with some urgency? It's our home game, we needed to win, had to put more pressure on the Dutch but instead sat back and let them boss the game.
  7. For me Pavlidis is the biggest disppointment. Seems to excell at club football but continuously lets us down at National Team level. Such a stupid penalty to give away as soft as it was and butchers his chances time and time again. Ioannidis gives us something we never really have (a forward who can turn his opponent) but fark me he should have squared that ball to Masouras for an easy tap in. Playing against the Dutch we needed to take whatever chances we got, especially after we saved the penalty and escaped unsacathed from some awful blunders.
  8. JVS was rubbish. Couldn't even succeed in our lowly Aussie A League. Argued with his best player Bruno Fornarelli and never played him again. Blocked me on Instagram when I asked if he thought that zero shots on target at home in the first half vs Kosovo was acceptable.
  9. Now let's really finish this group on a high. Six wins and zero goals conceded is a must, if even just to set our culture.
  10. Bakasetas again with a lethal strike and two assists. He’s playing like real leader. He is seriously dangerous around the edge of the box he hits them low and into the corner. Gun.
  11. Bakasetas again!! Clinical finish from the edge of the box. Two very impressive goals to start qualifying for him. Shows his ambidexterity against NI he took the touch with hiss left and fired on the right, against Kosovo right then left. This guy is a weapon on the edge of the box.
  12. He cops a lot of criticism Bakasetas but fark me he took his chance EXTREMELY well like a real pro.
  13. Guys it's this kind of attitude that got us into this situation in the first place. We all thought we should play more attacking/had better players etc and wanted Santos gone so the NT could blossom. Look what happened! Maybe Santos and Otto they understand Greek football and our talent levels better than anyone (including us). Maybe that's why they are such successful coaches.
  14. Was just being funny mate but yes every country has a golden era at some stage. I remember the US were unlucky to lose to Belgium in the knock outs back in 2014. I'm sure Canada's time is coming.
  15. Oh mate that would be massive coup if we got Santos back! ?
  16. It's like my team in the AFL, Carlton. We sacked the last decent coach we had and since then we've been through five of them with no success. Sixth time lucky?
  17. Ela re it's soccer not ice hockey! ?
  18. As for JVS good riddance! Hopefully we can secure a decent coach to build this youngish side.
  19. I respectfully diagree with this part. We used to spank the minnows under Otto and Santos, I remember Gekas alone would score two or three. I can remember a few last gasp wins against Kazhakstan and Malta but other than that we've usually accounted for these sides quite easily.
  20. My god can you imagine? Game after game v the minnows eeking out 0-0 draws.
  21. Couldn't agree more re he is all hype and that's it. Unforgiveable the header he missed against Sweden, should be bread and butter for a guy his size.
  22. Cant blame them really can we? Cold weather, covid and JVS are three things worth avoiding.
  23. That's quite ironic. Can I tell you after we couldn't beat Kosovo I jumped on his Instagram and asked him how he could justify 1 shot at goal in the first half against the Minnows in Kosovo in a must win game. Two minutes later I was blocked. Which is effectively what he did to Siovas when he too questionned his methods. So it's obvious the guy can't take criticism in any way shape or form which must be tough for him considering what a failure he's been as a coach throughout his career.
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