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Everything posted by Accor6

  1. Though...he didn't have a bad outing during the last game
  2. To say in every position is an overstatement But Siovas, Fortounis such paixtarades is an overstatement also
  3. Siovas better than anything we have at CB... I will put a bet with you. We will have the best defense this year in the league
  4. .....ksexasa.....Gamietai o peiraias
  5. And Berg, Karelis, Zeca, the spaniard( don't let one game full you, could walk on theirs I am not even including Essien and Lod And so what ? Always greener on the other side. But to be so persistent about an unproven player in beyond me.
  6. Well that's good I guess that he has been on a big teams RADAR Radar is all it matters Neither of them are proven good players yet so let them play and we will figure it out
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  8. I will make you a list of all the SL names that Freez. had pipe dreamed of having in the past and see where they are today Ax re Freez..Axxxx
  9. :lol: ME epnikses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. ^^ Happy belated birthday loipon
  11. We shall see. You better be right because this time it won't just be an egg on your face...
  12. According to this Asteras Mborothrinos SHOULD be banned
  13. All of the above, Pay for players, etc
  14. ^^^ Oxi apo thn sustash egklimatiksh organwshs
  15. ^^ http://www.sdna.gr/gr/podosfairo/dikastikes-upotheseis-skandala/arthro/55852/apalassetai-o-marinakis-84-sto-eidolio-gia-to-koriopolis/ Mborothrinos is going to trial so his teams hould be banned
  16. It was on SDNA somewhere...looking
  17. So I read asteras will be disqualified from his European competitions this year because mborothrinos will undergo trials for the kariopolis scandals Same thing will happen when Marinakis goes on trial as well for his charges
  18. Happy 54th birthday Dimitri Sarabako!!
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