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Posts posted by Akritis_1944

  1. Yes, Borovilos is still aboot at Astera.

    Some of you guys probably rightly link him with the Gavs because of the korio stuff but nothing has come of that. Him being a referee in his recent past wouldn't help but the club has complained against Marinakis so I see no link.

  2. Conceicao was done by the time he arrived at PAO, that's true. The same night be true of Essien and the signs don't look good but as a football fan I hope he still has at least one more season in him.

  3. Don't read the comments of news sites. It's like all the backward, narrow-minded ignoramuses on the planet go there to comment on subjects that they don't understand. A bit of casual racism and offensive national stereotype statements and then they think they have solved the problem. "Lazy Greeks! There! Take that. My taxes...They're not European anyway! Yeah I showed 'em!" Then you get a dozen or so morons agreeing.

    Not everyone is like that but it's a majority. At least we debate and make our claims in a readonable manner on these forums.

  4. Asteras is self sufficient and any previous links with Marinakis have been cut.

    There's no bidirectional player swaps between the 2 clubs like there is with Panionios/Platanias etc.

    Many fans of Asteras don't have issues with PAO from my experience. Maybe because we are small in number but there's no animosity.

  5. One thing I would like to see is a reduction on military spending which can be pumped in to hospitals and education. I'm not sure if the Nazi's will go for that though.


    Some interesting points brought up by a Greek who's based in the UK and works for the Chinese owned bank ICBC Standard:


    Demetrios Efstathiou of ICBC Standard Bank says that Greece has been comprehensively routed by Germany in Brussels this weekend:

    • Tsipras had to concede on almost every point.
    • Merkel comes out as a winner, and should be able to get the deal though the German parliament.
    • Germany?s extremely tough position would serve as a warning to other Eurozone nations. There are arguments that she even pushed too far.
    • Varoufakis may have gambled, Tsipras and Syriza may have lost, but Greece may be the ultimate winner - Greece has a golden opportunity to implement in record time the drastic reforms that it desperately needed and which successive governments have been unwilling to commit to.
    • The formation of a national unity or special purpose government to pass the reforms in the tight time-frame is now required. Elections would have to follow at a later stage.
    • The debate will now move on to the reaction of the Greek people. There is no easy answer. Only time will tell. The way I see it is that the Greek people will be relieved to see their banks reopen, their pensions and savings to be still denominated in euros, and the tourist season not destroyed. They should also be celebrating the implementation of structural reforms, but I doubt that.
    • Greece must now push through parliament, by Wednesday, July 15th, a series of legislations that include the streamlining of the VAT system, and pension measures.

    Politics and egos aside, the point in bold above is some hope at the end of all this.

  6. So basically Germany will own Greece as collateral? As Greece doesn't even own anything that's worth $50B


    No that's not even close to reality. Greece has prime real estate, infrastructure and untapped potential in manufacturing and other resources that might actually be developed for Greece's benefit.


    Anyone who claims Greece doesn't own such assets is being dishonest. The Troika know full well what the country has.

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  7. Now if Syriza & Tsipras campaigned against the "mnemonio" (memorandum) and the austerity measures, why doesn't he take the country out of the EZ now? Especially after the humiliation of the last 2 weeks.

    SYRIZA wasn't elected by voters to dump the Euro or exit the Euro zone. If he dared do such a thing he and his government would be lynched. His election was to end austerity. On this basis he's worse than ND/PASOK because he said one thing pre-election and capitulated when he needed to remain strong.

  8. There are sections within the Troika who are just in it to humiliate and crush Greece even if they end up wrecking the Eurozone and it's become obvious that you can't negotiate with these people.

    Schauble is 73 years old. I now agree with him that the retirement age should be 70. I wish it was in Germany so this demented and evil nazi wouldn't be meddling with the lives of innocent people. Let him go back to wheeling his chair in a teutonic garden humming his SS ditties.

    Why should a 5, 10, 18 yo in Greece have to suffer because some mean spirited vindictive nazi can't get over the fact his feelings were hurt?

    This isn't about politics any more. I couldn't care less for SYRIZA and Tsipras and the side show of right and left pseudo-politics in Greece. The demands that petty politicians from Germany, Finland, Latvia and the others have towards Greece are an affront to fairness, let alone democracy and simply, they are terrorism!

    Kick out SYRIZA and elect the most pliable and treasonous (from a Greek perspective) government of technocrats and those in charge in the EZ sole mission would still be to humiliate and defile Greece. There's no diplomacy on show here. Just crude greed and personal vendetta.

    It's game over. We enter a new phase now.

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  9. No don't stay away. Your opinion is valid Pana97.

    I too want to smash the Laplanders but my point was that isn't that extra motivation to our NT players?

    If it is and they play like they have never played before then I was wrong about the impact the crisis has had on the players. Be it financial, psychological or emotional.

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