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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2017 in all areas

  1. a team's defensive mechanism is a matter of offense. otamendi, rojo , biglia , garay are nothing close to the level of Sokratis and Manolas to be fair , i doubt this biglia guy is any better than Samaris or even Tachtsidis, and im not saying this to boost tachtsidis, but trying to point out that the current starter defensive midfielder of Argentina is nothing superior to what our a-b choices are. yet, despite the fact that we have better indifiduals in defensive positions, i doubt Argentina concedes more than us. They have a lot more talent in midfield and offence that helps them keep the ball more, sell it in fewer occasion per match and not expect their defence to do all the dirty work, like our defence did vs Bosnia. You simply can't put statistics on a player based on a whole team's performance. I ve said this before and here goes again. Sokratis team on the front is a bunch of 19 year olds Pulisic ,Mor , Dembele , Weigl. These guys have no experience and probably don't even think that whenever they try something risky they will probably put their defence at a risk. *I don't understand why people bash sokratis so much for the Mitroglou goal. The GK could have done a lot better and that was probably what papa had in mind. Torosidis still has 1-2 years to offer and Mavrias has been playing as a Right Winger Back for some time. Stafylidis is gonna make us forget holebas. We need friendlies on 3-5-2. I know it didnt work with 3 in the back so far, but it's possible that the reason was not having enough offensive potential.
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