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The Fraca at the PAOK game

Original Melbourne 21

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I watched the game in whole again today and I kept a good lookout at the fraca at the end of the match when we scored the third goal. Heres my speil on things:

- 2 fans abuse Bajevic;

- He responds;

- They continue;

- Persias and Okkas try to calm things down;

- Other AEK fans attempt to belt them;

- They chant DOUSAN DOUSAN;

- Xatzixristo comes out and says they arnt Original.

Thats how I saw things, correct me if Im wrong people.

Now my beleif is that they are with some Original club but I think Xatzixristo meant is that 'we dont condone that and we dont tell our fans to do that stuff'. My concern is that fuel is being added to teh fire by:

a) Dousan argueing back - What for? They wont listen, just shut up turn your back and dont give them the time of day, u are making things worse and basically showing a unprofessional approach;

B) His tsirakia argueing for him - see above comment, just leave those two alone;

c) The other fans by chanting Dousan.

d) Dousan AGAIN responding by saying they wanted the draw.....

Sometimes I wonder what goes through his head, as if he does these things on purpose to ruin our club further. There is going to be those ppl there until the day he leaves. GOD doesnt he get that....dont give them importance and eventually YOU WILL FORGET ABOUT THEM. And to those fans who are chanting his name, what is that about?

I wonder about this club and its fans AND IM TALKING ALL FANS....we should take a look at ourselves and F***en be ashamed.

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They got sweaters..with the emblem of the frog....... does this not lead to Original ? Which circles are talking about frog here....and frog there.....

If Xatzichristos... would treat his wife...the same as he treats...... Bajevic....,if she would put him horns........tote bravo tou.... ( propaganda machinery in order to profile his ego..... by misleading naive souls [and some antisocial elements])......

Ti hazo mania ine afti tou kuriou Xatzichristou ...... den mboro na to katalavo.....

Afta pou kani o Xatzixristos......na ekmetelevete ta meli tis Original.....(tous ida tous tipous apo konta....stin Zirihi)......gia prosopiki tou logi......vlapti poli tin AEK........

Giath ean then ipirxe o Ntusan ...den tha itan... kai o Xatzichristos...stis efimerides....kai se alla MME....... kati pou ton aresi...poli ton kurio Xatzichristo.....na niothi oti kai aftos paisi ...enan rolo sthn Elliniki Kinonia......


Gamoto tin miseria pou mas vrike......me tetious tipous...pou onomasounte...opadi ths AEK....................

Ena tipos pou agapai tin Omada tou.....kai afti vasi Goal.......xerete..kai ta 3exnai ola afti tin stigmi........den pai na epitexti..me lisa ston proponiti pou...panigirisi to Goal.....

Alla , perimenane na xasi pali...h AEK gia na kanoun pali tis fasaries tous.......tin idia taktiki kanena kai meta to 2-2 me ton Hrakli........molis den mborese na kerdisi h AEK...arkxisane pali ta organa tous.....

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All coaches live in a pressure cooker as they have to deal with irrational and conflicting demands from players, fans, and management.

Bajevic has had more problems than most. It appears that the continuous abuse has gotten to him and that he is approaching the nervous breakdown point. As a recult, he erupts lately for reasons that may appear to cool collected folks away from the eye of the cyclon as being frivolous.

I believe that most of us, if we were in his shoes, would have cracked long ago and he has all my sympathy. Noone deserves the torture that is dished daily to him by a group that impresses me as a collection of vicious, sadistic sociopaths.

If they insist on waving the flag of the Orthodox church, would it be too much to expect the occasional expression of some Christian virtue, such as charity?

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nightsurfer and gobekli good points made. i while i'm an original condone the behavior dished out to dusan every tiem. this has to stop and original 21 as a whole is too blame. while it's only a little handful who do it if haztihristos or whoever is in charge of original doesn't do anything to stop them doing it or banning them from aek games then they to blame.

om21 sorry don't agree with your point that why aek fans chant for dusan. i thought the agreement was for them to stop if anti dusan chants stop. well if there's morons who can abuse him and chant against him well why can't others chant for him. personally both should stop but seeing as it won't you can't stop one without the other. yes dusan shouldn't react but if it happens constantly wouldn't you?

original has to clean up it's act together as with all organised fan clubs for people to not think worst of them all the tiem. i like concept of getting together in groups and going to support your team. but that's where it should stop supporing your team not going any further. the targeting of dusan and some times players while i understand why it occurs as if i saw aek players at training i'd have a go at them for bad performances it has oria. the other way original21 or any aek fan can show they're not happy with dusan or aek as a team is not turn up at ground. they'll soon get the message and players either play or leave.

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