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champions league streams

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so this years champions league is quickly coming upon us and time to cheer for both our greek representatives, even though i am a hardcore gavro, and i havent been really helping you guys out, sorry spiro, but like i said before i have a really fast connection and would like to help u guys out.....lets get some games going strong online

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I would be willing to help too since my connection is fast as well. I am in a university but i am able open ports and contribute to the streaming process. I checked my connection in the site you gave a link to and this is what i get:

2005-09-08 20:50:50 EST: 3107 / 1893

Your download speed : 3181685 bps, or 3107 kbps.

A 388.3 KB/sec transfer rate.

Your upload speed : 1939078 bps, or 1893 kbps.

So let me know how i can help out.


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Thank you for your message. It's really great to see pople who are willing to help the omogenia.

Your download/upload speeds are really very good and it could help us greatly. Being in a university though means that you are behind a router (100% sure) and it is not possible to upload any video/audio like this, unless you get out from the router (something that is very very difficult, unless you have access to the server or know the network administrator very well).

The worse thing is that you appear to contribute to the stream but you really are not since your connection doesn't allow you to do so even if you have the right ports open! You are what we call "a leecher" (and it's not your fault of course).

Our biggest problem in the stream are the students from universities who even with their ports opened they don't contribute anything to the stream, consuming a huge amount of our bandwith making the stream suffer if not collapse.

If you (and all other students) can watch the games from a home connection that would really be a big help. If not, I cannot really tell you not to connect. i just hope we will be able to hold you all!

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2005-09-09 01:28:37 EST: 1347 / 744

Your download speed : 1379987 bps, or 1347 kbps.

A 168.4 KB/sec transfer rate.

Your upload speed : 762049 bps, or 744 kbps.

hope this helps u guys, spiro if this does help i would like for u to send me the directions on what port to open seeing as since i have already downloaded sopcast

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Spiro is right with what he said about people in the University. A couple of weeks ago Spiro and I tried to see how I could help (I have an upload speed ranging from 3Mb-5Mb/second) and although I can open the ports, I am a "leecher" unfortunately-Spiro found that I am behind a router. So I am trying to avoid sopcast whenever possible.

These guys are great, so perhaps they may find a way that we can help them, somehow...


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It's really a pity that i have such a high upload speed and still can't help... I still have a question though. It seems that the problem is being described too abstractly...The fact that one is behind a router shouldn't automatically mean that a person cannot connect. After all what a router does is forward IP packets...Does the problem go away if we open the appropriate port on the router or is there something else that stops the uploading process?


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